2017 - №1






Kochubeynyk Olga


Radchuk Halyna


Red’ko Serhiy


Adamska Zoryana





Plyushch Alexander


Zelinskaya Tatyana


Vinnyk Nataliia


Makarchuk Natalia, Stus Anna





Rafikov Aleksander


Variagina Alina


Tovstokora Yulia


Shaparenko Yuliia


Sklyaruk Anastasiya





Petrunko Olga


Vlasenko Inna


Sydorko Igor




Skrypnyk Tetiana


Dzyubyns’ka Maria



Kochubeynyk Olga, Doctor Degree in Psychology, Senior Researcher of the Laboratory of Psychology of Political and Legal relations, Institute of Social and Political Psychology, NAPS Ukraine, 15 Andriivska Str., 04070 Kyiv, Ukraine, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



Anomie, as defined by sociologists, refers to a state of society characterized by deregulation and erosion of moral values. The author reviews the most important definitions and conceptualizations of anomie. It was French sociologist Emile Durkheim who began to explore anomie in the academic work, when he tackles the issue of social disorder and the changing context within European societies. E. Durkheim was primarily concerned with the coherence and integrity of modern societies and societies in transition. He proposes that anomie is a condition in which the coherence and integrity of society are at risk. Durkheim posits that anomie takes place when the moral standards and regulation of society break down. Since Durkheim’s time, slightly different conceptualizations of anomie have been proposed. For instance, the American sociologist Robert Merton adopts elements of Durkheim’s theory of anomie but focuses solely on the discrepancy between culturally important social values and the legitimate means an individual has at their disposal for achieving those social values and aspirations. It was in the twentieth century that a systematic theoretical analysis of anomie was developed. Anomie is mainly expressed in the alienation of individuals and groups, their non-involvement in the processes taking place in a society; it is also characterized by the abandonment of the sense of solidarity, which in turn leads to the destruction of cultural and ethical foundations of a society, loss of moral values, and marginalization of its members. As a result of such variability in the definition and conceptualization of anomie, the literature has arguably become rather complex and there are now multiple definitions and accounts of why and when anomie arises, and how people respond to it.

The main idea of the present article is bringing the concept of anomie under a psychological spotlight. The author analyses the conditions under which, anomie arises in Ukrainian society and develops a model outlining various responses of person to anomie. The author proposed four key dimensions that can describe a person's response to a social anomie, namely: 1) a high level of cynicism and moral relativism, 2) a person's inability to build long-term plans and achieve long-term goals, which correlates with the lack of a clear life strategy; 3) a sense of helplessness, derived from a person's inability to influence social life; 4) the gap between the desires and needs of individuals and socially acceptable resources to achieve them.

Keywords:  alienation;  helplessness;  meaninglessness;  powerlessness;  scale of anomie.


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  2. Holovakha E. (2008). Postsovetskaia anomyia: osobennosty vykhoda iz sostoianyia anomycheskoi demoralyzovannosty v Rossyy y Ukrayne [Postsovet anomie: Features output from status anomie demorality in Russia and Ukraine]. Obshhestvennуe nauky і sovremennostj, 6, 5-10 (rus).
  3. Holovakha E. (2002). Fenomen «amoraljnogho boljshynstva» v postsovetskom obshhestve: transformacyja massovуkh predstavlenyj o normakh socyaljnogho povedenyja v Ukrayne. [The phenomenon of the «immoral majority» in the post-Soviet society: the transformation of mass representations about norms of social behavior in Ukraine]. Ekonomycheskye i socyaljnye peremeny: monytoryngh obshhestvennogho mnenyja, 6, 20-22 (rus).
  4. Durkheim E. (1998). Samoubijstvo [Suicide]. StPb: Sojuz, 496 (rus).
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  6. Kara-Murza S. G. (2013). Anomija v Rossii: prichiny i projavlenija [Anomie in Russia: causes and manifestations]. Moscow: Nauchnyj jekspert, 264 (rus).
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  12. Lytkina E. I. (2014). Ot dezorientirovannyh pessimistov do socializirovannyh optimistov: primenenie latentnogo klassovogo analiza dlja izuchenija anomii na Ukraine [From disoriented pessimists to socialized optimists: application of latent class analysis for the study of anomies in Ukraine]. Vestnik obshhestvennogo mnenija, 3/4, 155-162 (rus).
  13. Lytkina E. I. (2015). Social’naja struktura v treh teorijah anomii [Social structure in three anomie theories]. Filosofija. Sociologija. Politologija, 1(29), 176-184 (rus).
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  18. Rjabchenko V. І. (2006). Anomіja v ukraїns’komu socіumі: socіalno-fіlosofskij aspekt problemi [Anomie in Ukrainian society: social and philosophical aspect of the problem]. Multiversum: Fіlosofs’kij al’manah. Kyiv: Ukr. centr duhov. kulturi, 78-85 (ukr).
  19. Sal’nikova S. A. (2013). Specificheskie fenomeny postsovetskoj anomii (Belarus’, Rossija, Ukraina) [Specific phenomena of post-soviet anomy (Belarus, Russia, Ukraine)]. Granі, 12, 20-26 (rus).
  20. Sahan’ O. M. (2014). Socіal’na devіantnіst’ v ukraїns’komu suspіl’stvі jak rezul’tat destruktivnoї polіtiki vladi [Social deviance in the ukrainian society as the result of destructive power politics]. Derzhavne budіvnictvo ta mіsceve samovrjaduvannja, 28, 77-94 (ukr).
  21. Sloterdajk P. (2009). Kritika cinicheskog o razuma [Criticism of the cynical about reason]. Ekaterinburg: U-Faktorija, Moskow: ACT, 800 (rus).
  22. Shtompka P. (2001). Kul’turnaja travma v postkommunisticheskom obshhestve [Cultural trauma in post-communist society]. Sociologicheskie issledovanija, 2, 3-12 (rus).
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  24. McCloskey H. Schaar J. H. (1965). Psychological Dimensions of Anomy. American Sociological Review, 30, 1, 14-40 (eng).
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Radchuk Halyna, Doctor of Psychology, Professor, Head of Practical Psychology Department, Volodymyr Hnatiuk Ternopil National Pedagogic University, 2 Kryvonosa Str., 46027 Ternopil, Ukraine, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



The article investigates the essential aspects of a dialogue with a purpose of further implementation it in higher education teaching practice. The author argues that educational dialogues can be regarded as a humanitarian technology that integrates cultural, axiological, existential, phenomenological ideas about learning on value-semantic level and coherent professional development of an individual in university environment. Educational dialogue is analyzed as a form of active learning, which aims at mastering of professional knowledge at a value-semantic level, and also as a form of communication, which provides environment for personality development, giving it psychological support, and social interaction skills.

It is proven that the deployment of educational dialogue at formal, content and value-semantic levels involves development of teacher and student capabilities for conducting a dialogue, and training material that is suitable for teaching in a dialogue format.

The author identifies the following conditions for implementation of educational dialogue in higher education 1) development of readiness for a dialogue in teachers both on personal and professional levels; 2) formation of dialogue culture in students; 3) development of self-reflection processes in students; 4) student mastering the skills for organizing joint activities; 5) formation of subjective student positions in educational process; 6) modeling of cooperation and joint creative activities, that serve as a model of future professional partner communication; 7) creating educational situations as close to the life situations as possible within the process of meaningful learning cooperation; 8) bringing training content closer to the realities of future profession.

Keywords:  dialogic trainingcontent;  dialogue;  educational dialogue;  student dialogue capacities;  teacher dialogue capacities.


1.     Belova S. V. (1995). Funktsii uchebnoho dialoha v usvoenii tsennosto-smyslovoho soderzhanyya humanytarnykh predmetov [Functions of educational dialogues in acquisition of value and sense content of humanitarian subjects]: Extended abstract of candidate’s thesis. Volhohrad, 18 (rus).

2.     Halitskikh E. O. (2004). Dyaloh v obrazovanii kak sposob stanovleniya tolerantnosti [Dialogue in education as a means for tolerance development]. M.: Akademicheskiy proekt, 240 (rus).

3.     Dʹyakonov H. V. (2007). Osnovy dialogicheskoho podkhoda v psikholohycheskoy nauke i praktike [Foundations of dialogical approach in psychological science and practice]. Kirovohrad: RYO V. Vynnychenko KHPU, 847 (rus).

4.     Kozina L. M. (2014). Mezhkulʹturnyy dialoh kak pedahohicheskoe sredstvo vospitaniya polykulʹturnosti [Intercultural dialogue as a pedagogical means for education of multiculturalism]. Education and Science, 79-92, DOI: 10.17853/1994-5639-2014-3-79-92 (rus).

5.     Professionalʹnaya kukhnia trenera (iz opyta neformalʹnoho obrazovanyya v tretʹem sektore) [Professional trainer’s kitchen (from the experience of informal education in the third sector)] (2003). E. Karpievich, V. Velichko (Ed.). SPb.: «Nevskyy prostor», 256 (rus).

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7.     Savicheva N. H. (2007). Obrazovatelʹno-vospytatelʹnoe prostranstvo kak synerhiynaya kommunikatsiya [Educational environment as synergetic communication]. M.: Progres-Traditsyya, 557-565 (rus).

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9.     Serikov V. V. (1999). Obrazovanie i lichnost. Teoriya i praktika proektirovaniya pedagogicheskikh sistem [Education and personality. Theory and practice of pedagogical system design]. M., 272 (rus).

10.   Shatin Yu. V. (1996). Fenomenologiya obrazovaniya i kommunykativnaya strategiya obucheniya [Phenomenology of education and communication strategy of learning]. Dyskurs, 1, 23-29 (rus).

11.   Yatsenko T. S. (2004). Teoriya i praktyka grupovoyi psykhokorektsiyi: Aktyvne sotsialno-psykholohichne navchannya [Theory and practice of group psychocorrection: Active social and psychological training]. K.: Vyshcha shkola, 679 (ukr).

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Red’ko S. 
Red’ko Serhiy, PhD of psychological sciences, Assistant professor of management department, Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University, 18/2Bulvarno-Kudryavska Str., 04053 Kyiv, Ukraine, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



The article is devoted to the corporate culture of an educational institution as a factor in the success of its operations.

The quality of educational services, relationships in the teaching staff, the atmosphere of schools that meet the requirements of our time, the demands of the public, have a high reputation and are competitive in the educational market depends on the level of formation of corporate culture. However, the problem of the formation and development of corporate culture schools for a long time remained unnoticed today still at the periphery of research practices.

Today in Ukraine corporate culture has not been reflected in the regulatory legislation and education based on the general cultural level of society, morality, business practices, etc., whose condition is caused by the level of economic development. The management of corporate culture is open and clear enough for most school leaders, and therefore there is a need to disseminate information on the role of corporate culture, mechanisms of implementation and management of its formation.

The main structural elements of organizational culture seen in the mission, values, standards system to ensure the process of training, education and development of children; the attitude of teachers to the goals, objectives, results of work of educational organizations; communication and informal rules of behavior, choice of appropriate leadership styles, conditions for creativity teachers, traditions, rituals and ceremonies that are accepted in school; staff attitude to themselves as members of the teaching kolekyvu, opportunities for their personal development.

We believe that the culture of an educational institution should be considered first, as a system of collective values, norms and traditions of life common students and teaching staff, and secondly, as an integral characteristic of individual school community; Thirdly, as the most important factor of socialization of students.

A key step in the formation of corporate culture is to define the mission and vision of the educational institution. In the mission and goals of the institution should have reflected the basic values that are specified in the concept of school. An important role in the corporate culture of an educational institution plays a presence bright, charismatic personality of the head of school. The researchers emphasize that the most successful developing corporate culture in educational institutions, led by creative director are ready to innovate, informally linked to a function that can create a team which interact on an equal footing teachers, students their parents and the public.

Keywords:  corporate culturehead of the institutionmission;  values;  vision.


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  3. Hnezdilova K. (2013). Korporatyvna kulʹtura vykladacha vyshchoyi shkoly: teoretychni i metodychni zasady formuvannya [Corporate culture high school teacher: theoretical and methodological bases of formation: monograph]. Cherkas. nats. un-t im. B. Khmelʹnytsʹkoho. Cherkasy: Chabanenko, 384 (ukr).
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  11. Shapolova V. V. (2011). Rolʹ korporatyvnoyi kulʹtury u pidvyshchenni yakosti pidhotovky studentiv-menedzheriv vyshchoho tekhnichnoho navchalʹnoho zakladu [The role of corporate culture in improving the quality of students-managers of higher technical educational institution]. Teoriya i praktyka upravlinnya sotsialʹnymy systemamy, 4, 101-106 (ukr).

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Adamska Z. 
Adamska Zoryana, PhD of psychological sciences, associate professor, associate professor of Applied Psychology Department, Ternopil Volodymyr Hnatiuk National Pedagogical University, 2 Maksyma Kryvonosa Str., 46027 Ternopil, Ukraine, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



The article is devoted to the illustration of the theoretical and methodological foundations of development facilitative abilities of the future psychologists. It is founded the topicality of the future psychologists’ training, oriented on the basic ideas of humanistic paradigm, the necessity to organize favorable conditions for the development of his abilities.

On the base of the realized theoretical analysis was made an attempt to define the concept facilitative abilities of the future psychologist as integrated combination of emotional, cognitive, behavioral and volitional formations which is revealed in the ability to provide its own efficient functioning, formation and development, and promote the full development of another person.

It is generalized that most researchers refer to facilitative abilities the ability to be yourself (genuineness, sincerity and congruence); ability of self-esteem and self-understanding, respect and understanding of others; the ability to help and support the approval, adoption; trust, sympathetic understanding; the ability to organize conditions for personal development; the ability to organize a special microclimate in the group.

It is determined that the development of the facilitative abilities of the future psychologists is impossible outside of the facilitative environment, in which the self-designing, professional and personal student’s formation directly related to self-development and self-improvement of the teacher-facilitator. One of the most important conditions that provide the facilitation of the environment is subject-subjective (dialogic) interpersonal relationship between teacher-facilitator and student.

Prospects for further research we see in foundation theoretical model of future psychologist’s facilitative activity and developing procedural and methodological apparatus psychological monitoring its development.

Keywords:  ability to facilitation; environmentof facilitation;  facilitation;  facilitative abilityfacilitator;  humanistic paradigm of education.


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  5. Kondrashykhina O. O. (2004). Formuvannya zdatnosti do fasylitatsiynykh vplyviv u maybutnikh praktychnykh psykholohiv [The formation ability to facilitation influence future psychologists]: Extended abstract of candidate’s: 19.00.07. Kyiv, 19 (ukr).
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Plyushch A. 

Plyushch Alexander, PhD, Senior Researcher, Institute of Social and Political Psychology, NAPS Ukraine, Andriyvska str., 15, 04070 Kyiv, Ukraine, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



In the article synergetic consideration of the subjects nature, based on the principles of self-organization of highly organized systems is proposed.  On the basis of analysis of scientific literature three types of scientific cognition are distinguished, which differ from each other by approaches to the understanding of integrity of researched object, to the role of environment, in which object functions and to the possible positions of researcher toward the object of research. These types of cognition correspond to three types of organization of integrity: a mechanism, a system, and a text. Type of scientific rationality, used by researcher, determines the complexity of constructed theoretical model of the subject. Functioning of vital activities of the subject is possible in three dimensions: holistic physical world, systematic aggregate of social spaces and text of vital activities, which is (re)constructed by subject during his life. These dimensions correspond to the next models of inner organization of subject: holistic subject, management system for his vital activities, self-organization of the text of discourse, which determines the life goals of subject. Synergetic consideration of the nature of subject leads to integrative analysis of subject as an autonomous integrity, a part of social spaces and a tool of self-organization of vital activities text. Likeness of structure of inner subjects organization let to researcher on the basis of studying of separate fragments of vital activities of the subject to reconstruct the holistic model of subject.

Keywords:  cognition; context; methodology; self-organization; subject; synergetics.


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  15. Fuko M. (1996) Volja k istine: po tu storonu znanija, vlasti i seksual’nosti. Raboty raznyh let [The will to truth: Beyond the knowledge, power and sexuality. Works of different years]. M., Kastal’, 448 (rus).
  16. Jurevich A. V. (2006) Social’naja relevantnost’ i social’naja nisha psihologii [Social relevance and the social psychology of the niche]. Psihologicheskij zhurnal, 4, 5-14 (rus).
  17. Jaroslavceva E. I. (2007) Chelovek v perspektive setevoj paradigmy (opyt sinergeticheskogo podhoda) [The man in the long term network paradigm (experience synergetic approach)]. M. : «Dinter», 235 (rus).

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Zelinskaya T. 
Zelinskaya Tatyana, Doctor of Psychology, Professor of General and Social Psychology and Psychotherapy, NPU Dragomanov University, 9 Pirogova Str., 02000 Kiev, Ukraine, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



The article analyzes the ambivalent path of becoming the wife of alcoholic within the authors personal-integrative concept of ambivalence. Ambivalence of the personality shows in interpersonal relationships, including marriage. Men with alcohol dependence are prone to explanation of their destructive behavior due to strained relationship in marriage. The inadequacy of these men increases in their wives self-incrimination, feeling guilty for the bad marriage that promotes the formation of co-dependence in it and high ambivalence of relations.

The author examines the way of life of the wife of alcoholic due to phenomenon of co-dependence, destructiveness of marital ambivalent relations, cycles of self-creation and self-destruction of the personality of these women as marital psychological patterns. Coordinated human ambivalence is an important sign of personal safety. It is worth learning to understand the experience of having the destructive ambivalence and being able to settle it. It has been revealed the formation of alcoholics wife four ambivalence stages in the process of psychological counseling. It has been explained directions of coordination, harmony of destructive ambivalence of this woman. The problem of change, transformation of ambivalence is going along with the agreement of its mutually exclusive contradictions. Due to the transformation of the high ambivalence by means of coordination, self-improvement of wives of alcoholics happen which comes from the codependence of marital relations and building a new life for itself. High ambivalence of this woman is transformed from traumatic into constructive personal feature. The recovery of the wife of alcoholic during the psychological counseling from the co-dependence of marital ambivalent relationship is accompanied by making strong efforts and optimism.

Keywords: ambivalent personality;  codependence of wife of alcoholic;  cycles of self-creation and self-destruction;  high ambivalence relationship of couple;  lifestyle;  personalization;  stages of ambivalence formation of wife of alcoholic.


  1. Denysenko I. D. (2015). Modelyuvannya povedinky osobystosti v suchasnykh sotsiokul'turnykh kontekstakh: metodolohichni zasady ta perspektyvy [Modeling of the behavior of the personality in contemporary socio-cultural contexts: methodological principles and perspectives]. Kharkiv: KhNPU, 45 (ukr).
  2. Zelins'ka T. M. (2010). Ambivalentnist' osobystosti: teoriya, diahnostyka i psykhokorektsiya [Ambivalence of personality: theory, dianostics and psychocorrection]. K.: Karavela, 256 (ukr).
  3. Asher R. (1992). Women with alcoholic husbands : ambivalence and the trap of codependency. University of North Carolina Press, 240 (eng).

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Vinnyk N. 
Vinnyk Nataliia, PhD of psychological sciences, Senior Lecturer of the Chair of General, Age and Pedagogical psychology, Institute of Human Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



The theoretical model of intellectually gifted high school students  personality  is offered in the article. The components of this model has been substantiated.

Theoretical model includes a personal maturity and intellectual achievements. Personal maturity is based on a structure of personality and has such components as: communicative, motivational, characterological, reflexive, experiential, emotional intellect, psychophysical, which are from their side are based on main individually-psychological qualities of the personality of intellectually gifted high school student.

Psychological features of older teens are determined. On authors opinion, the sensitive period for personal development is an older teen age (15-17 years), when happens that the teen personality transforms into adult personality.

Adult personality is based on communicative motivation, success reaching motivation, reflection, skills of emotions understanding and controlling, intellect, experience for moral self-control and social cooperations.

Key words:  gifted intelligence;  high school students age features;  personal maturity;  personality development;  personality structure.


1.     Abulkhanova-Slavskaia K. A. (1991). Stratehyia zhyzny [Life strategy]. M.: Mysl, 299 (rus).

2.     Ananev B. H. (1996). Psykholohyia y problemy chelovekoznanyia [Psychology and problems of human knowledges]. M.: Voronezh, 384 (rus).

3.     Burov O. Yu., Rybalka V. V., Vinnyk N. D. ta in. (2012). Dynamika rozvytku intelektualnykh zdibnostei obdarovanoi osobystosti u pidlitkovomu vitsi [Dynamics of development of intellectual abilities of gifted person at teenage age]. O. Yu. Burova (Ed.). K.: Tov «Informatsiini systemy», 258 (ukr).

4.     Leites N. S. (2001). Vozrastnaia odarennost shkolnykov [Age-specific gift of school children]. Moskva: Akademyia, 320 (rus).

5.     Ovsianetska L. P. (2001). Do pytannia pro psykholohichni kryterii zriloi osobystosti [On the question of psychological criteria for mature personality]. Aktualni problemy psykholohii. Kyiv: Instytut psykholohii H. S. Kostiuka APN Ukrainy, Tom 1, Ch. 2, 105-110 (ukr).

6.     Platonov K. K. (1986). Struktura y razvytye lychnosty [Structure and development of personality]. M.: Nauka, 256 (rus).

7.     Test-oprosnyk lychnostnoi zrelosty Yu. Z. Hylbukha [Test-questionnaire of personal maturity Yu. Z. Khilbuh]. Available at: http://hrm21.ru/rus/tests/?action=show&id=32963 (rus).

8.     Shtepa O. S. (2008). Osobystisna zrilist: Model. Opytuvalnyk. Treninh. [Personal maturity: Model. Questionnaire. Training]. Lviv: Vydavnychyi tsentr LNU imeni Ivana Franka, II, 210 (ukr).

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Makarchuk N., Stus A. 
Makarchuk Natalia, Doctor of Psychology, Professor at the Department of general, developmental and educational psychology, Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University, 17 Tychina Ave., 02152 Kyiv, Ukraine, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Stus Anna, Master’s student, 6th course, Specialization «Psychology», Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University, 17 Tychina Ave., 02152 Kyiv, Ukraine, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



The problem of the personal self-regulation and state of mind functioning are extremely relevant in the modern context. Ukraine’s reform contributions, which sometimes have a total and demonstrative nature, do not have enough constructive influence on the functioning of the individual, both in its internal dimensions of reality, and the implementation of its own professional work and stay in the professional environment. The article presents the results of research on the problem of frustration, describes the specifics of personal self-regulation and its types, based on the existing ability to understand the frustration, on the indicators of social and personal frustration.

The frustration study was done in the context of its theoretical foundation and an empirical study of its state on a sample of adults. This gave grounds to establish multifunctional nature of frustration. It is about its specificity as a component of professional activity (activity context) and professional environment (interpersonal context). The necessity to prevent frustration in a professional team has been convincingly proved.

It was determined that the object of the prevention should be reflection as a psychological mechanism of the awareness formation of the frustration by personality and the ability to establish its influence on professional activity and professional implementation in a professional environment. Along with this, the uncertainty, as a result of social frustration, and personal frustration, as the interdependence between the motivation of the individual, its relation to one’s own needs and desires and, as a consequence, the ability to search for one’s own social purpose.

Keywords:  frustration;  personal self-regulation;  preventionprofessional activities;  professional environment;  state of mind.


  1. Makarchuk N. O., Povyakel N. I. (2006). Osobystisni determinanty podolannya konfliktnosti v yunaczkomu vici [Personality determinants of overcoming conflicts in adolescence]. NPU imeni M. P. Dragomanova, K.: «Avtoreferat», 105 (ukr).
  2. Makarchuk N. O., Povyakel N. I. (2009). Osoby`stisna determinaciya ta psy`xotexnologiyi pozy`ty`vnoyi transformaciyi konfliktnosti studentiv majbutnix psy`xologiv [Personal determination and psychotechnologies of the conflictiness positive transformation of students future psychologists]. K.: NPU imeni M. P. Dragomanova, 300-313 (ukr).
  3. Makarchuk N. (2014). Osobistisna samoregulyatsIya pIdlItkIv z porushennyam rozumovogo rozvitku [The personal self-regulation of the adolescents with intellectual disabilities]. Kyiv: Feniks, 448 (ukr).
  4. Makarchuk N. A. (2014). The specificity of personal self-regulation functioning in adolescents with intellectual disabilities in various types of personality organisation / Innovations in education. M. Kolodziejczyk (Ed.). Viena: «East West» Association for Advances Studies and Higher Education GmbH, 105-122 (eng).
  5. Makarchuk N. A. (2014). The specificity of attention functioning as psychic means of personal self-regulation in adolescents with intellectual disabilities. International scientific-practical conference «Innovations in science, technology and the integration of knowledge», London: Berforts Information Press Ltd, 177-190 (eng).

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Rafikov A. 
Rafikov Aleksander, postgraduate of the Applied Psychology Department, Іnstitute of Human Sciences, Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University, 17 P. Tychyna Ave., 02000 Kyiv, Ukraine, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



The author reflects on the role of social optimism as an essential new factor of institutional culture, which function is to guarantee a systemic unity of modern institution and its competitiveness related to another subjects of social interaction. The article presents the results of empirical research on social optimism and its role in social life according to the view of native experts’ community (doctors and candidates of psychological sciences in the sphere of social psychology). The variety of «social optimism» notions, determined by experts, is demonstrated; it is mentioned that such diversity is a natural result in conditions of absence of a stable scientific view regarding to that phenomenon.

The list of content categories to define social optimism (such as system of knowledge, way of world-perceiving, faith, positive expectations, attitude, mechanism, copying-strategy etc.) is analyzed. The factors of institutional social optimism are classified: 1) optimistic corporative ideology and social support within the institution; 2) inclusion and a personal adaptive activity of the members of institution to organize individual and social existence; 3) positive expectations of the work itself, based on the previous positive experience and self-reflection; 4) correspondence of personal and common purposes of the members of institution. The article analyzed the factors of social optimism as those are represented by discourse of native experts’ community. The role of social optimism is outlined in the aspects of how it improves institutional environment and how it enhances institutional culture of modern organization and the ways of institution’s development.

Keywords:  expert’s estimation;  factors of social optimism;  institutional competitiveness;  institutional environment;  social optimism.


  1. Informatsiynyy vplyv: teoriya i praktyka prohnozuvannya: Monohrafiya [Information effect: theory and practice of forecasting] (2011). P. F. Frolov (Ed.). Natsional'na akad. ped. nauk. Ukrayiny, in.-t sots. ta polit. psykholohiyi, K: Milenium, 304 (ukr).
  2. Petrun'ko O. V., Rafikov O. R. (2016). Sotsial'nyy optymizm yak psykholohichnyy mekhanizm tsinnisnoyi vzayemodiyi z referentnym otochennyam [Social optimism as the psychological mechanism of interaction between a reference value environment]. Aktual'ni problemy psykholohiyi: Zbirnyk naukovykh prats' Instytutu psykholohiyi imeni H. S. Kostyuka NAPN Ukrayiny. T. VI: Psykholohiya obdarovanosti, Vypusk 12, Kyyiv-Zhytomyr: Vyd-vo ZhDU im. I. Franka, 169-178 (ukr).
  3. Sotsial'na ekspertyza v Ukrayini: metodolohiya, metodyka, dosvid vprovadzhennya [Social expertise in Ukraine: methodology, methods, implementation experience] (2000). Yu. I. Sayenka (Ed.). K.:In-t sotsiolohiyi NANU, 194 (ukr).
  4. Smith T., Ruiz J., Cundiff J. and oth. (2013). Optimism and pessimism in social context: An interpersonal perspective on resilience and risk. Journal of Research in Personality, 553-562, DOI: 10.1016/j.jrp.2013.04.006 (eng).
  5. Seligman M. E. P., Schulman P.(1986). Explanatory style as predictor of productivity and quitting among life insurance sales agents. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, V. 50, 832-838 (eng).

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Variagina A. 
Variagina Alina, Researcher of the Institute of Social and Political Psychology of the NAPS of Ukraine, 15 Andriivska Str., 04070 Kiev, Ukraine, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



The article talks about the tendency of growth of public participation cases in the current social and political conditions of the country's development. The author compares existing approaches to assessing the effectiveness of public participation processes and highlights that the current assessment methodologies focuses only on researches processes, that related to interaction with the state structures and organizations (vertical vector of public participation forms); practically has no methods that are adapted to analyze the effectiveness of horizontal vector of public participation forms; methods that studies the online public participation process are completely absent. The author pays particular attention to the urgent need to find new methods for assessing the success of public participation in the context of a broader understanding of this phenomenon (vertical and horizontal vectors of public participation), taking into account the newest forms of public participation that are implemented using Internet technologies. The author proposes to create a new tool for studying the effectiveness of public participation process on the basis of one of the existing methods. This new tool provides fourteen indicators and thirty two evaluation criteria, that include such categories as: Process Accessibility, Media Participation, Diversity of Views Represented, Influence on Process, Opportunities for Participation, Integration of users' Concerns, Information Exchange, Project Efficiency, Project Acceptability, Mutual Learning, Mutual Respect, Cost Avoidance, Indirect Cost of Time, Indirect Opportunity Costs, Indirect Costs Associated with Authority and Influence, Indirect Costs Associated with Emotional Issues etc.

Keywords: effectiveness of participation;  metrics of evaluationonline public participation;  public participation.


  1. Varjaghina A. A. (2013). Problemy interpretaciji fenomenu ghromadsjkoji uchasti [The problems of interpretation and the phenomenon of the fate and fate]. K.: Tolkom, 14, 46-55 (ukr).
  2. Volosevych I. (2016) Ukrajina: pidsumky Revoljuciji Ghidnosti. Jak zminylasja krajina i narod. [Ukraine: results of the the Revolution of dignity. How did country and the people change] Available at: https://voxukraine.org/2016/08/31/pre-and-post-war-ukraine-ua/#_ftn6 (ukr).
  3. Nacionaljno-patriotychne vykhovannja – derzhavnyj priorytet nacionaljnoji bezpeky. Shhorichna dopovidj Prezydentu Ukrajiny, Verkhovnij Radi Ukrajiny pro stanovyshhe molodi v Ukrajini (2015) [National-patriotic education - the state national security priority. Annual Report of the President of Ukraine, Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine on the situation of young people in Ukraine]. K., 200 (ukr).
  4. Nacionalno reprezentatyvne opytuvannja «Demokratychni iniciatyvy» (2015). [The national representative survey «Democratic initiatives»]. Kyjivsjkyj mizhnarodnyj instytut sociologhiji. K., 2015 (ukr).
  5. Nacionalno reprezentatyvne opytuvannja «Blaghodijnistj ta volonterstvo v Ukrajini» (2015). [The national representative survey «Charity and Volunteering in Ukraine»]. Fond «Demokratychni iniciatyvy» ta Sociologhichna sluzhba Centra Razumkova. K. (eng).
  6. Tolkovanova V. V. Posibnyk z pytanj partysypatyvnoji demokratiji (demokratiji uchasti) na miscevomu rivni (2011). [Handbook on participatory democracy (participatory democracy) locally]. K.: Kramar, 199 (ukr).
  7. Assessing the Effectiveness of Project-Based Public Involvement Processes: A Self-Assessment Tool for Practitioners. The Transportation Research Board Committee on Public Involvement in Transportation (1999). Washington DC, 13  (eng).
  8. Gibson R. K., Lusoli W., Ward S. (2005). Online Participation in the UK: Testing a ‘Contextualised’ Model of Internet Effects. Political Studies Association. Oxford: Blackwell Publishing Ltd., 561-583 (eng).
  9. Gramberger M. Citizens as Partners: Handbook on information consultation and public participation in policy-making. OECD Publications, Paris, 112 (eng).
  10. Granovetter M. (1973). The strength of Weak Ties [The strength of Weak Ties]. 1360-1380, DOI:10.2307/202051 (eng).
  11. Warburton D., Wilson R. , Rainbow E. Making a Difference: A guide to evaluating public participation in central government. London, 43 (eng).
  12. Parés M., March H. (2013). Guide to Evaluating Participatory Processes. Government of Catalonia Department of Governance and Institutional Relations Innovation and Democratic Quality Programme. Barcelona, 40 (eng).
  13. Silber K., Kuhn F. (2004). Political action on the internet – the German case. Upsala (eng).
  14. The shape of civil society to come: report from the Inquiry into the Future of Civil Society in the UK and Ireland (2007). London: Carnegie UK Trust (eng).

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Tovstokora Y. 
Tovstokora Yulia, graduate student, Institute of Social and Political Psychology NAPS of Ukraine, 15 Andrew Str., 04070 Kyiv, Ukraine, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



This article is about the empirical research of the relationship of characteristics between the components of communicative behavior of young people. Article describes the basic components: communicative tolerance, communicative social competence, socially perceptive competence. These components make it possible to holistically and comprehensively investigate communicative behavior of the personality, as well as to build a correctional program for effective the social dialogue built.

We describe the procedure and statistical methods of research of communicative behavior components. During the empirical research carried out monitoring of such threats to internal validity, as the non-equivalence of samples and the effect of sequence.

As a result of the correlation analysis revealed the most significant relationship in three samples tested: «between the indicators of conformism» and «the social adaptability» (-0,324 at p≤0,01) in the first sample (students 1-2 course); between the indicators of «sociability» and «the social autonomy» (0,403 at p≤0,01) in the second sample (students 3-4 course); «between the rejection of the other person’s personality» and «logical thinking» (-0,355 for n ≤0,01) in the third sample (students 5-6 course).

Analysis of relationships between components showed that the communicative behavior of personality builds up through various systems of relationships between its components. Based on this, we found that components of communicative behavior depend on characteristics of the educational environment, namely the year of study at the university.

The revealed features of communicative behavior can be used to resolve problems of discrimination, both within the student group and beyond. Also, the study results can be used in teaching disciplines such as the social psychology, ethnic psychology, psycholinguistics, experimental psychology.

Keywords: communicative behavior;  communicative social competence;  communicative tolerance;  mutual knowledge;  mutual understanding;  social adaptationsocially perceptive competence.


  1. Bojko V. V. (1998). Kommunikativnaja tolerantnost' [Communicative tolerance]. SPb.: MAPO, 23 (rus).
  2. Bojko V. V. (1996). Jenergija jemocij v obshhenii: vzgljad na sebja i na drugih [The energy of emotions in communication: glance at myself and on others]. M.: Filin, 472 (rus).
  3. Zhelezovskaja G. I., Abramova M. V., Gudkova E. N. (2015). Kreativnoe kommunikativnoe povedenie kak sredstvo tvorcheskoj samorealizacii lichnosti obuchajushhegosja [Creative communicative behavior as the means of creative self-realization of personality of student]. Obrazovanie i nauka. Izvestija Ural'skogo otdelenija RAO: zhurn. teoret. i priklad. issledovanij, 4, 79-87, DOI:10.17853/1994-5639-2015-4-79-88 (rus).
  4. Ivanova I. A. (2004). Sushhnost' i struktura social'no-perceptivnyh sposobnostej [The essence and structure of social and perceptual abilities]. Vestnik SevKavGTU «Gumanitarnye nauki», 1, 25-37 (rus).
  5. Lektorskij V. A. (1997). O tolerantnosti, pljuralizme i kriticizme [About the tolerance, pluralism and criticism]. Voprosy filosofii, 11, 44-58 (rus).
  6. Tovstokora Yu. V. (2016). Doslidzhennja komunikatyvnoji tolerantnosti molodi do socialjnykh ghrup jaki dyskryminujutjsja u suspiljstvi [The study of communicative tolerance of youth to social groups that are discriminated against in society]. Tendenciji rozvytku psykhologhiji ta pedaghoghiky: Proceedings of the International Conference, 4, 79-81 (ukr).
  7. Fetiskin N. P., Kozlov V. V., Manujlov G. M. (2002). Social'no-psihologicheskaja diagnostika razvitija lichnosti i malyh grupp [Socio-psychological diagnosis of development of personality and small groups]. M.: Izd-vo Instituta Psihoterapii, 490 (rus).
  8. Martynova E. M. (2004). Culture of communicative behavior in interpersonal communication. Vedecko vydavatelske centrum Sociosfera-CZ s.r.o., № 60, 59-60 (eng).

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Shaparenko Y. 
Shaparenko Yuliia, Postgraduate Student of the Department of Applied Psychology, Institute of Human Sciences, Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University, 17 P. Tychyna Ave., 02152 Kyiv, Ukraine, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .




The article is devoted to analyze of substantial features of the auto-, and hetero-stereotypes of Lemkos. Determined, that the psychosemantic study of these concepts should be considered in the context of self-awareness. The expediency of methodological principles of research, substantiated based on the emic-approach, which aims to better understand peculiarities of one ethnic group. It is established, that overall ethnic stereotypes in the Lemko ethnic group have a positive emotional coloration, what indicates a harmonious images of «we» and «they», and constitutes the basis for a normal, positive ethnic self-awareness. Greater certainty of ethnic hetero-stereotype compared to ethnic auto-stereotype in Lemkos ethnic self-awareness has been statistically proved. Is revealed some opposition between auto-stereotype and hetero-stereotype related to such parameters as: ethnicity-masculinity and pride-uniqueness. These parameters are bipolar, and opposed only in ethnic hetero-stereotype, while in ethnic auto-stereotype they are harmoniously combined, which may indicate a certain collective projection of “shadow” on the ethnic Other. The carried out research demonstrated the presence of friendly traits in the ethnic self-awareness of Lemko ethnic group, with a simultaneous awareness about differentiation between representatives of different ethnic groups. Prospects for further research are seen in the study of the influence of modern cultural and historical factors, onto the changes in ethnic self-awareness of different generations of Lemkos.

Keywords:  auto-stereotype;  ethnic self-awareness;  ethnic stereotype;  hetero-stereotype;  Lemkos;  psychosemantics;  semantic differential.



  1. Horbal M. Yu. (2011). Rizdviana obriadovist Lemkivshchyny: semantyka, typolohiia, etnichnyi kontekst: monohrafiia [Lemkos Christmas ritualism: semantics, typology, ethnic context: the monograph]. Lviv: Papuha, 199 (ukr).
  2. Hrytsuk O. V., Sudarikova A. (2013). Psykhosemantychni doslidzhennia struktur znachen u indyvidualnii svidomosti [Psychosemantical research institutions meanings in the individual consciousness]. Visnyk Kharkivskoho natsionalnoho pedahohichnoho universytetu imeni H. S. Skovorody, 46 (1), 49-55 (ukr).
  3. Dmytruk L. I. (2014). Semantychni osoblyvosti lemkivskoho kostiuma v konteksti mizhkulturnoi komunikatsii [Semantic features of Lemko suit in the context of intercultural communication]. Mizhnarodnyi visnyk. Kulturolohiia. Filolohiia. Muzykoznavstvo. Kulturolohiia, 2 (3), 113-117 (ukr).
  4. Drobot O. V. (2012). Orhanizatsiia i metody psykhosemantychnoho doslidzhennia upravlinskoi svidomosti [Organization and methods of psychosemantical study of management consciousness]. Visnyk Odeskoho natsionalnoho universytetu. Psykholohiia, Vol. 17 (8), 75-82 (ukr).
  5. Kononov I. F. (2014). Rehionalni avto- ta heterostereotypy Donbasu i Halychyny: yikh znachennia v proektakh natsiiebudivnytstva v Ukraini [Regional auto- and hetero-stereotypes of Donbass and Galicia: their value in nationbuilding projects in Ukraine]. Metodolohiia, teoriia ta praktyka sotsiolohichnoho analizu suchasnoho suspilstva, 20, 133-142 (ukr).
  6. Kurys L. I. (2014). Semantyka lemkivskoho kostiumu v konteksti dialohu kultur [Semantics of Lemkos suit in the context of the dialogue of cultures]. Naukovi zapysky Natsionalnoho universytetu «Ostrozka akademiia», 15 (2), 222-228 (ukr).
  7. Lozova O. M. (2007). Psykhosemantyka etnichnoi svidomosti [Psychosemantic of ethnic consciousness]. Kyiv: Osvita Ukrainy, 402 (ukr).
  8. Liashuk N. V. (2012). Avtostereotypy ukraintsiv u spryiniatti volynian [Autostereotypes of Ukrainians in Volynians perception]. Extended abstract of candidate’s thesis: spets. 10.02.01. Lutsk, 20 (ukr).
  9. Pelin O. V. (2014). Vyznachalni rysy heterostereotypiv natsionalnykh menshyn Zakarpattia [Determinative features of national minority hetero-stereotypes in Transcarpathia]. Sotsialni tekhnolohii: aktualni problemy teorii ta praktyky, 64, 6-13 (ukr).
  10. Saveliuk N. M. (2010). Psykhosemantychni aspekty doslidzhennia svidomosti osobystosti [Psychosemantical aspects of individual consciousness research]. Naukovi zapysky Natsionalnoho universytetu «Ostrozka akademiia», 14, 260-268 (ukr).
  11. Siletskyi Yu. R. (2009). Etnichni heterostereotypy v tradytsiinomu svitohliadi ukraintsiv [Ethnic hetero-stereotypes in traditional Ukrainian worldview]. Extended abstract of candidate’s thesis: spets. 07.00.05. L, 17 (ukr).
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Sklyaruk A. 
Sklyaruk Anastasiya, PhD of Psychological Sciences, Doctoral student of Social and Political Psychology Institute, NAPS Ukraine, Andriivska-st., 15, 04070, Kyiv, Ukraine, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



The article considers the family as a basic social institution and the reference environment of a person from the moment of his birth and throughout his life. The phenomenon of a normal family is analyzed and its objective criteria from the position of the system approach are determined. Universal (through) and dynamic (changing with sociocultural changes) family functions are defined. The definition and characteristics of an abnormal and problem family are given in the measurements of the structure, conditions and quality of functioning. The concepts of the problem (dysfunctional) family presented in the professional literature are analyzed and the logic of assigning families to the category of problem families is justified. It is shown that the family is called problematic if it is characterized by a significant and prolonged disruption of the function of biological, social and psychological reproduction. Typical internal problems are described and features of the solution of these problems in the dysfunctional (problem) family are shown. The features of the socio-psychological resources of the problem family and the possible consequences of the «unsuccessful» socialization of children in problem families are shown. A prognostic explanatory model of the child's socialization in a problem family of any type is proposed. The main idea of the concept of social and psychological support of a problem family is identified, based on three provisions: 1) external social and psychological support, including professional psychological support; 2) activation of internal psychological resources of the family to strengthen its educational and socializing functions; 3) correction and secondary prevention of violations of the socialization of children in the family environment.

Key words:  abnormal familydysfunctional (problematic) familynormal family;  objective criteria of a normal family;  reproductive family functionssocialization.


  1. Almazov B. (1986). Psihicheskaya sredovaya dezadaptatsiya nesovershennoletnih [Psychic environmental maladjustment of minors]. Sverdlovsk: Izd-vo Ural. un-ta, 150 (rus).
  2. Vasilkova V. V. (1999). Poryadok i haos v razvitii sotsialnyih sistem: Sinergetika i teoriya sotsialnoy samoorganizatsii [Order and chaos in the development of social systems: synergetics and the theory of social self-organization]. SPb.: Izd-vo «Lan», 480 (rus).
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  4. Gornostaj P. P. (2010). «Paradoksal`ny`j simejny`j balans» yak umova rivnovagy` v problemny`x rody`nax [«Paradoxical family balance» as a condition of equilibrium in problem families]. Speczvy`pusk, 34-41 (ukr)
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  11. Satir V. (1992). Kak stroit sebya i svoyu semyu [How to build yourself and your family]. M.: Pedagogika-Press, 192 (rus).
  12. Sklyaruk A. V. (2016). Problemna simya yak predmet social`noyi psy`xologiyi: trudnoshhi vy`znachennya j peracionalizaciyi [Problem family as a subject of social psychology: the difficulty of identifying and personalization]. Pedagogichny`j proces: teoriya i prakty`ka, 3, 113-118 (ukr).
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Petrunko O. 
Petrunko Olga, Doctor Degree in Psychology, Senior Researcher, Professor of the Department of Psychology, HEI «Institute of Economics and Law «KROK»,
30-32 Lagerna Str., 03113 Kyiv, Ukraine, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



The article shows the essence of interpersonal conflicts. This conflict considered as problematic for its carrier state that: 1) is extremely important, and certainly associated with the choice between alternatives equal in strength for him (even if the alternatives are not understood); 2) subjectively experienced as a insoluble problem and so is extremely, uncomfortable, tense, frustration and painful feelings about their inferiority; 3) tends to deepen, strengthening, totalization andno adaptivecourse. Analyzed and summarized a some number of scientific concepts about interpersonal conflicts and understanding of its basic type described in professional literature. The features of the subject of interpersonal conflict in conflictology, total, practical and clinical psychology are shown and the model of interdisciplinary study this conflicts are proposed. The attention to constructive (adaptive) and unconstructive (no adaptive) intrapersonal conflicts is accented. The features of intrapersonal conflicts in the area of the individual motivation are shown. Particular attention is paid to motivating interpersonal conflicts with non-adaptive and destructive forms of current. Features of no adaptive motivational conflict and possible consequences of these conflicts for intrapersonal and interpersonal (social) life of a person are shown.

Keywords:  criteria for non-adaptive conflict;  interdisciplinary subject of conflict;  intrapersonal conflictintrapersonal realitynon-adaptive motivational conflict.


  1. Abul'hanova-Slavskaja K. A. (1991). Strategija zhizni [Strategy of life]. M.: Mysl', 302 (rus).
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  4. Вaumann U., Perre M. (2004). Klinicheskaya psihologiya [Clinical psychology]. SPb: Rech, 960 (rus).
  5. Bozhovich L. I. (1995). Problemy formirovanija lichnosti [Problems of personality formation]. M.: NPO MODJeK, 352 (rus).
  6. Vasiljuk F. E. (1984). Psihologija perezhivanija. Analiz preodolenija kriticheskih situacij [Psychology of experience. Analysis of overcoming critical situations]. M.: Izd-vo MGU, 204 (rus).
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  11. Maslou A. (2011). Dal'nie predely chelovecheskoj psihiki [The Far Limits of the Human Psyche]. SPb.: Izd-vo «Evrazija», 448 (rus).
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  15. Frejd Z. (1997). Psihopatologija obydennoj zhizni [Psychopathology of everyday life]. M.: Aletejja, 256 (rus).
  16. Fromm Je. (1992). Dusha cheloveka [The soul of man]. M.: Respublika, 430 (rus).
  17. Jerikson Je. (1996). Identichnost': junost' i krizis [Identity: youth and crisis]. M.: Progress, 344 (rus).
  18. Jung K. G. (1991). Arhetip i simvol [Archetype and symbol]. M.: Renessans, 304 (rus).

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Vlasenko I. 
Vlasenko Inna, Ph.D. in Psychology, Lecturer of Department of General, age and educational psychology of Іnstitute of Human Sciences, Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University, 17 Tychyny Ave., 02152 Kyiv,Ukraine, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

This study aims at exploring psychological peculiarities of teachers’ intrapersonal conflicts in manifestation motivational sphere. The sample consists of 192 teachers (89,6% female and 10,4% male) from 13 schools in Ukraine. It is presented the analyses of internal conflicts and vakuums in motivational sphere of  teachers. The results show existential and individual values prevail in respondents’motivational sphere. It was found that 42,2% of  teachers had a low discoordination among things they want and need on the one hand and their possibilities on the other. It was found that 20,8% of teachers wasn’t satisfied with their current life situation, had an internal conflict. The feeling of internal conflict and low ability to self-actualization  in one of teachers’ main life spheres («happy domestic life», «health», «love») were connected with high internal conflict in other life spheres of  teachers. There have been identified internal conflicts in the spheres of «health» (47,9% respondents), «happy domestic life» (33,9%), «financial provided life» (27,1% )  and «love» (26% teachers). It was investigated high internal vakuums in spheres «active life» (50,5%), «interesting work» (27,1%  respondents) that indicated reducing of motivation and could lead to teachers’ activity declining. Teachers that have high level of internal vakuums feel exhausted and overstressed as well as they face to high professional demands. A programme addressing intrapersonal conflict and managing low ability to self-actualization  in main life spheres would be of benefit to teachers.

Keywords: intrapersonal conflict;  motivational sphere; teachers;  values.



  1. Berezovsjka L. I. (2013). Psykhodiaghnostyka ta korekcija vnutrishnjoosobystisnykh konfliktiv jak umova podolannja profesijnogho vyghorjannja vchyteliv [Psychodiagnostics and correction of intrapersonal conflicts as condition of teachers’ professional burnout overcoming]: Extended abstract of candidate’s thesis: 19.00.10. K., 21 (ukr).
  2. Malanjjina T. M. (2011). Psykhologhichni osoblyvosti podolannja vchyteljamy vnutrishnjoosobystisnykh konfliktiv [Psychological peculiarities of teachers’ intrapersonal conflicts overcoming]: Extended abstract of candidate’s thesis: 19.00.07. K., 20 (ukr).
  3. Fantalova E. B. (1997). Diagnostika vnutrilichnostnogo konflikta [Psychodiagnostics of intrapersonal conflict]. M.: Folium, 48 (rus).
  4. Nakada A., Iwasaki S., Kanchika M. et al. (2016). Relationship between depressive symptoms and perceived individual level occupational stress among Japanese schoolteachers. INDUSTRIAL HEALTH, 54 (5), 396-402 (eng).
  5. Palmer M., Rose D., Sanders M., Randle F. (2012). Conflict between work and family among New Zealand teachers with dependent children. Teaching and Teacher Education, 28 (7), 1049-1058, DOI: 10.1016/j.tate.2012.05.002 (eng).
  6. Tiplic D., Brandmo C., Elstad E. (2015). Antecedents оf Norwegian Beginning Teachers' Turnover Intentions. Cambridge Journal Of Education, 45 (4), 451-474, DOI: 10.1080/0305764X.2014.987642 (eng).

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Sydorko I. 
Sydorko Igor, auditor of metrology, State Enterprise «Lviv Scientific Production Center of standardization, Metrology and Certification» (SE «Lvivstandartmetrolohiya»), 38 Kniaza Romana Str., 79005 Lviv, Ukraine, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


This article examines the nature and significance of the conflict in the team. The role of leader in conflict resolution within the team. Practical recommendations for the prevention of conflict, its prevention and relaxation. Analyzed the positive and negative features conflictive. Identified psychological conditions and techniques including conflict prevention in a group.

Make suggestions on choosing the best methods of conflict management in collective activity in modern conditions. Defined the role of conflict in the life of the individual, family, group, state, society and humanity in general.

The role of leader is very important, as it depends on him peace and harmony in the team, its development, progress and effectiveness of the organization. Therefore the main task of managers at any level should lie to focus on improving their own skills, raising a suitable quality, gaining experience successful conduct of management, which is a guarantee of high production efficiency and competitiveness.

Key words: conflict situation; conflict; efficiency; incident; leader; leadership; parties conflict; positive and negative functions of conflict; staff; subjective reasons, objective, management, personal and psychological causes of conflict; success; team leader.


  1. Vytoky dilovykh konfliktiv ta yikh rol' v protsesi upravlinnya [Origins of business conflicts and their role in governance]. Available at: http://referat.repetitor.ua/ (ukr).
  2. Kybanov A. Ye., Vorozheykin I. Ye., Zakharov V. H. (2005). Vyrishennya konfliktiv [Resolving Conflicts]. A. Ye. Kybanov (Ed.). YNFRA-M, 302 (ukr).
  3. Klyment'eva O. S. (2016). Prychyny vynyknennya konfliktiv u profesiyniy diyal'nosti pravookhorontsiv [The causes of conflict in the law enforcement profession]. Pedahohika i psykholohiya, Kharkiv, 52, 318 (ukr).
  4. Lozhkin H. V., Pov"yakel' N. I. (2007). Psykholohiya konfliktu: teoriya i suchasna praktyka [Psychology of conflict: the theory and practice of modern]. K.: MAUP, 435 (ukr).
  5. Rol' menedzhera v protsesi upravlinnya konfliktamy [The role of the manager in the management of conflicts]. Available at: http://buklib.net/component/option,com_ jbook/task,view/ Itemid,36/catid,136/id,4195/ (ukr).
  6. Serhiyenko T. (2012). Konflikt v kolektyvi i rol' lidera v svoyemu rishenni [Conflict in the team and a leadership role in your decision]. Humanitarnyy byuleten', 16-20 (ukr).
  7. Skibits'ka L. I., Skibit·s'kyy A. M. (2007). Upravlinnya [Management]. Tsentr navchal'noyi literatury, 416 (ukr).
  8. Upravlinnya lyuds'kymy resursamy: filosofs'ki pryntsypy [Human Resource Management: philosophical principles] (2006). V. N. Voronkovuy (Ed.). «Profesional», 576 (ukr).
  9. Shellinh T. (2007). Stratehiya konfliktu [Strategy of conflict]. Moskva: YRYSEN, 366 (ukr).

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Skrypnyk T. 
Skrypnyk Tetiana, Doctor of Psychology, Professor of the Department of Special psychology and inclusive education of Institute of Human Sciences, Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University, 13 b Timoshenka Str., 04212 Kyiv, Ukraine, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



The article describes the pedagogical research designed to ensure educators be able to support for children with autism spectrum disorders in the educational space as well as the content of the childrens special needs and the conditions under which these needs can be satisfied. We determined the environmental resources and resources of children with autism. The author demonstrates the comparison of two conceptual focused on supporting the development and education of children with autism spectrum disorders (ASD). One model is team work, another work of individual specialists (called «cabinet system»). To evaluate we have used the method «Tool for professional development of teachers» developed by the international community educators ISSA. We presented in table the ordered main indicators of quality of teachers in target areas (interaction, family, inclusion, assessment and planning, training methods, developmental environment, professional development) as well as comprehensive achievements of children with autism (using a differential diagnostic technique C.A.R.S.). It was confirmed that the most important component of efficient support of child on the spectrum is well-coordinated work of multidisciplinary team which implements Individualized Education Program with short-term objectives and SMART goals: specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-bound. Training of specialists based on an action research cycle of thoughtfully planned activities to gather, interpret, and explore data about group collaboration in order to facilitate an innovative solution. The article described methods of the trainers, experts and supervisors with teachers to achieve their competence to work with children with ASD, success factors and challenges faced by the trainers of teachers. We note also prospects for further innovation work towards establishing continuity between preschool and school.

Keywords:  algorithm ofsuppor;  autism;  inclusion;  multidisciplinary team.


  1. Gaydukevich S. E. (2007). Sredovoy podhod v inklyuzivnom obrazovanii [A holistic approach in inclusive education]. Inklyuzivnoe obrazovanie: sostoyanie, problemyi, perspektivyi. Minsk: Chetyire chetverti, 34 (rus).
  2. Skrypnyk T. V. (2015). Tekhnolohii psykholoho-pedahohichnoho suprovodu ditei z autyzmom v osvitnomu prostori [Technologies of psychological and educational support for children with autism in the educational space]. K.: TOV «Vydavnychyi dim «Pleiady», 56 (ukr).
  3. Сatagnus, R. M., & Hantula, D. A.  (2011). The Virtual Individual Education Plan (IEP) Team: Using Online Collaboration to Develop a Behavior Intervention Plan. International Journal of e-Collaboration. Issue 1, January 2011, 30-46, DOI: 10.4018/jec.2011010103 (eng).
  4. Tenkersley D., Braykovich S. Handzar S. (2009). Instument professionalnogo razvitiya dlya uluchsheniya kachestva rabotyi pedagogov [The professional development tool for improving the quality of teachers' work] (rus).
  5. Sawyer M. (2014). Connecting with families to facilitate and enhance Involveme Teaching exceptional children. Vol. 47 (3), 172-179 (eng).

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Dzyubyns’ka M. 
Dzyubyns’ka Maria, postgraduate, Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National university, 57 T. Shevchenka Str., 76000 Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



The article investigates the dynamics of the inner health look of children with epilepsy. Having learnt its structure, availability of value-motivational, cognitive, emotional and behavioral components has determined. Characteristics of the components of the inner health look of the children with epilepsy have been pointed out and described. And also there have been combined subjective evaluation of health condition at different stages of children’s age with the epilepsy problem. There have been defined that while growing up they feel the increased differentiation ideas about health, feel the responsibility, independence and reliability on their own experience when they choose the way of treating their health. The older children are, the more obedient they are to the doctor’s advice, but the more seldom they are eager to do the preventing treatment prescribed by them. A disbelieve in traditional treating the epilepsy encourage to look for alternative help. The examined children of a primary school age show insufficient differentiation ideas about meaning of health. In this period a family unit has got an essential impact on forming understanding and attitude to their health among the children with epilepsy. The juveniles consider health to be the most precious thing that, on their view, is dependent on the man’s welfare. They are developing a willing to realize themselves by the wish to freedom and health. In the period of  early youth the children with epilepsy start clear imaging the reasons and signs of deteriorating health. The examined children of the oldest age group combine keeping health not only with their own deeds but with such notions as «faith» and «hope». Based on the analyzing the received results the recommendations have been provided about optimizing a psychological help to the families bringing up the children with epilepsy.

Keywords: children with epilepsy;  components of the inner health look;  inner health look.


  1. Ananjev V. A. (2000). Psykhologhyja zdorovjja: puty stanovlenyja novoj otrjasly chelovekoznanyja [Health Psychology: the way to becoming a new branch of knowledge about human]. Gh. S. Nykyforova (Ed.). SPb.: Yzd-vo SPbGhU, 124-125 (rus).
  2. Dzjubynsjka M. Ja. (2015). Formuvannja vnutrishnjoji kartyny zdorov'ja u ditej khvorykh na epilepsiju [Formation of the inner health look of the children with epilepsy]. Current Affairs Psychology: Personality Psychology. Psychological help individual: Coll. Science. works of the Institute of Psychology named after G. S. Kostyuk NAPS Ukraine, T.11, 15, 127-135 (ukr).
  3. Kocan I. Ja. (2011). Psykhologhija zdorov'ja ljudyny [Psychology of human health]. Lucjk: RVV «Vezha» Volyn. nac. un-tu im. Lesi Ukrajinky, 430 (ukr).
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