Slipchuk Valentina, PhD in pedagogics, associate professor, associate professor of the department of medical and general chemistry, Bohomolets National Medical University, Shevchenko boulevard, 13, 01601 Kyiv, Ukraine, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


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The article examines trends in professional training of pharmaceutical industry in higher medical (pharmaceutical) educational institutions of Ukraine in 50-60's,  20th century, namely the introduction of new forms, methods and means of education; implementation of research topics under pharmaceutical production proposal; organization of scientific groups work; publishing of collections of scientific works; implementation of the scientific principle by introducing course works on specific subjects; typographic publishing of documentation forms for pharmacy laboratory classes, lab logs-reports on production practices, guidelines for practical classes  using computer technology of the time; publishing of textbooks, teaching materials, laboratory logs for laboratory classes, practical seminars; introduction of professional undergraduate training at the Faculties of Pharmacy for pharmaceutical industry professionals intending to work abroad; general education discipline program expansion and auditorium load increase for future professionals of the pharmaceutical industry; it was found that coordination of work plans according  to subjects of professional undergraduate training of professionals took place and the linkage of teaching of these disciplines to Marxist - Leninist theory, based on dialectical materialism and advanced Soviet science, education of future professionals of the pharmaceutical industry in the spirit of national pride, Soviet patriotism and love for the Homeland; change of the training period and increased chemical component in the undergraduate professional training for the pharmaceutical industry of the UkrSSR.

Keywords:  Pharmaceutical Education;  pharmaceutical industry professionals;  professional training;  trends.



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