Ovcharenko N. 

Ovcharenko Natalia, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, associate professor, Kryvyi Rig State Pedagogical University, Gagarina 54-a st., 50086, Kryvyi Rig, , Ukraine, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


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The article highlights the results of a study of the current state of training of future teachers of music to vocal and educational activities. The research is based on the analyses of regulation documents that underpin the training of future teachers of music to vocal and educational activities: State industry standard, educational qualification characteristics and educational and professional training programs, curricula and training programs for future teachers of music. According to the survey of students of art higher educational institutions author studied music teachers opinion on training graduate of the Faculty of Arts for vocal and educational activities and problems that arise during the adaptation of young specialists in general secondary institution. The following directions of modernization of training future teachers of music to vocal and educational activities have been found, as consideration in preparing the content structure of a multi-vocal teacher of teachers of music; realization competence approach for vocational training; implementing highly, multi-style and multi-genre repertoire according to the chosen style of singing;the use of educational material for in-depth analysis of vocal works and better understanding and interpretation of performance; study and implementation of international experience improving the quality of training of future teachers of music to vocal and educational activities.

Keywords:  future teacher on music art; professional training;  vocal and educational activities.



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