Lysenko Oleksandra, PhD in pedagogical sciences, deputy director of the Institute of Postgraduate Education, Bogomolets National Medical University, 13 T. Shevchenka belvedere, 01601 Kyiv, Ukraine, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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This article highlights: the peculiarities of doctors’ postgraduate training as a specialized stage for skills practicing; noted the feasibility of andragogical education principles in the process of medical interns training in a case of their previous life and professional experience, lack of time, social autonomy, need for rapid implementation of the acquired knowledge and skills, high motivation level; the necessity of the interactive teaching usage during the internship as way for understanding, mastering and creative application of knowledge intensification, motivation increasing, ability for not ordinary thinking formation, effective communication establishing, professional competence improving, knowledge and skills control systems objectification, participants reality changing; the meaning of first aid practical course as an interactive method of doctors’ competence forming; the structure of first aid practical course (Introduction to first aid series, Lecture «Causes and prevention of circulatory arrest inspection according to ABCDE scheme, introductory treatment», Practical sessions on patient examination ABCDE scheme, Investigation methods of ensuring the airway, Seminar «Providing first aid in different emergency states», Summarizing and discussion, Discuss and join the second day of training, Stimulating demonstration script teachers, Lecture «Universal algorithm resuscitation», Practical training of Basic Life Support and Automated External Defibrillation, Modeling simulation scenarios on mannequins); the advantages of interactive learning in the context of forming life-long learning necessity, stress tolerance , responsibility, ability to work in a team.

Keywords:  andragogical principles of education;  doctors’ postgraduate training;  first aid practical course;  interactive learning.


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