Nahula O.

Furman V.

Radchuk H.

Stoliarchuk О.

Kayris E., Samoylenko A.

Klimenko A.



Shmarhun V.

Tokhtamysh O., Golovko D.

Krayeva O.

Datsenko T.



Petrunko O.

Lishchynska O.

Rafikov O.

Ovchar O.

Malieieva N.



Zelinska T.

Sklyaruk A.

Neroba M.

Ravluk G.


Nagula Olena, candidate of psychological sciences Assistant Professor of Applied Psychology Institute of Human Sciences of Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University
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In the article the analysis of problems of training of practicing psychologists. The main components of readiness of practicing psychologists are required to use the intervention (theoretical, practical, personal). The criteria of correction and uncorrectionpersonality. Also summarized the negative effects of uncorrectionpersonality of practicing psychologist. Emphasized the need for personal psychotherapy of the future of practicing psychologists. The appropriateness of the in-depth personal psychotherapy for training of practicing psychologists that proposed by the academician of NAPS of Ukraine by T. S. Yatsenko. The developed model of professional training of psychological practitioners, which includes two complementary approaches, namely: traditional, academic training and innovative practically-oriented training.

The system of training of future psychologists practitioners which includes three stages. Preparatory mastery of the theoretical system of psychological knowledge and familiarization with training, group work. Educational and corrective to attract future psychologists practitioners (students 3-6 courses) to the personal psychological correction (deep psychological correction, group psychoanalysis, dream analysis, games and art therapy). Accompanying the completion of psychological correction of personal future psychologists practice (students 4-6 courses) have the opportunity to start providing advisory services under supervision of an experienced psychologist practice.These approaches together can provide the formation of the psychologist-practice theoretical, practical and personal components of readiness for use of the correction influences in their practice.

Keywords: correction;  personal psychocorrection;  psychologist-practitioner; the method of active social-psychological training;  the model of professional training of psychologists-practitioners;  uncorrection.



 1.            Zhivitsa V. (2015) Analysis of approaches to the training of professional psychologists within the training of students in high school. Internet-journal «NAUKOVEDENIE» Volume 7, No. 2 (March-April). Moscow. DOI: 10.15862/91PVN215. URL: (rus).

 2.            The conceptual framework and the technique of deep psychocorrection: Preparation of the psychologist-practice (2008) Kyiv: Vysha Shcola (ukr).

 3.            Osipova A. (2004) General psycho-correction: a textbook for students. Moscow: TC Sfera (rus).

 4.            Pyrkova O. (2014) Professional ethics of practicing psychologists. Kyiv: TOV «Interservice» (ukr).

 5.            Yatsenko T. (2006) Fundamentals of deep psychocorrection: phenomenology, theory and practice Kyiv: Vysha Shcola (ukr).

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Furman V., senior lecturer of Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University.
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In the article the problems of forming of reflexive competence of future professional are examined in the modern terms of educational space. Generalized scientific going near understanding of reflexive competence of modern specialist as central phenomenon of internal activity as a teacher so student. Educational strategies and methods  are analyzed on forming of reflexive competence. Grounded system of components of reflexive competence. Marked, that forming of reflexive competence takes place due to integration of different types of activity at the observance of certain psychology-pedagogical  terms. Specified on importance of introduction of reflexive approach in educational practice.
Reflexive competence is the goal of competence and is one of the key factors of personal and professional development in various fields. Its purpose cognitive nature expressed in promoting the effective development of all other competencies, but because its development plays a crucial role in education of any level of complexity, at any stage of education and self-education. Reflective competence due to experience reflective activity. In this context, it is determined by scientific advance projected rate that reflects social need in training future professionals with clearly defined reflexive position.
Thus, reflective competence is defined as professional property personality, manifested in the effective implementation of reflexive processes, implementation reflexive ability and accelerates the personal and professional development, enhances creativity activities, and the interaction of its components significantly increases the potential of the educational system «teacher-student» and displays it to the level that is necessary for effective innovation.
Keywords:  cognitive component;  operational component;  person-motivational component;  psychological and pedagogical conditions;  reflexive competence;  stages of reflective competence.
  1. Alekseev N. G. Sposobnost' k refleksii kak sushhestvennyj komponent intellektual'noj kul'tury sovremennogo specialista [The capacity for reflection as an essential component of the intellectual culture of the modern professional] /
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Prof. Dr. Halyna Radchuk, PhD in Psychology, Head of Applied Psychology Department, V. Hnatiuk Ternopil National Pedagogical University
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The article investigates temporal parameters of purposefulness and life orientations of modern students. The author argues that finding a meaning for a self in all temporal aspects of subjective reality is a prerequisite for development of a future specialist’s personality. Moreover, individual's ability to analyze and summarize relevant meanings (the past and present) and form life goals (project future) is an indicator of the integrity of his/her self-concept.
Empirical research showed that one-third of students are in a current semantic state that is characterized by low levels of comprehension of meaningful past, present and future life, i.e. they are dissatisfied with life in general. Most of the disappointed and  dissatisfied with their lives students are in their fifth and second year of university. More than a half of all young respondents do not have life goals and see their lives as lacking both meaning and purpose. The graduates are often unable to analyze and summarize the values of their past and present and set life goals and perspectives, thus demonstrating helplessness and disorientation regarding their future.
These findings can be explained by the fact that traditional teaching methods are focusing on assimilating the acquired social experience at the level of meanings. Information is regarded as both the beginning and the end of students’ activity, and the future appears only as an abstract perspective of knowledge application after graduation. This explains why the future is not fully meaningful and lacks temporal transpective in general.

Keywords:  current semantic state;  meaningfulness of the future;  meaningfulness of the past;  meaningfulness of the present;  purposefulness and life orientations.


  1. Kagan M.S. Sistemno-sinergeticheskij podhod k postroeniju sovremennoj pedagogicheskoj teorii [Systemic and Synergic Approach to Formation of Modern Pedagogical Theory] / M. S. Kagan // Sinergeticheskaja paradigma. Sinergetika obrazovanija. – Moscow: Progress–Tradicija, 2007. – Pp. 212-245 (rus).
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Stoliarchuk Olesia,Associate Professor of departments of general, age and pedagogical psychology Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University, Candidate of Psychological Sciences
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Peculiarities of person’s career orientations formation on initial stages of its professionalization, in particular, during professional training were represented in the article. Analysis of scientific sources has shown presence of multiple factors and contradictory of contemporaneous students’ career orientations formation. It has been detected that career orientations are reflection of personal significance of professional activity and also a base for career goals formation. Career orientations set up even during professional self-determination of upper-form pupils and in future these orientations shape within professional training. Career orientations of final-years students provide career goals establishment and planning of ways of its achievement.
The results of empiric research on future teachers of foreign languages motives of studying were analyzed and predominance of professionally oriented motivation of studying among students was detected. Practical research has shown priority of career orientations towards integration, service and autonomy of future teachers of foreign languages. Unfavorable tendency of ignoring professional competence as a career advantage was revealed among surveyed students.
Firm direct links between students’ study motives and career orientations were noted by correlation analysis. At the same time dispersion analysis proved influence of a series of future teachers study motives on their career orientations formation. Influence of pragmatically oriented motives (such as do not neglect course units studying, always be ready for classes, and avoid punishment and disapprobation for bad studying) on career orientation formation among second-year students was found. Links between students’ motives of studying and their career orientations have ambiguous character of mutual influence as both categories are open for changes during professional training.
Key words: career focuscareer orientationsmotiveprofessional trainingprofessionalizationstudentsstudy motive.
  1. Caricenceva O. P. Kar'ernye orientacii sovremennoj molodezhi: teorija, jeksperiment, trening (monografija) [Career orientations of contemporaneous youth: theory, experiment, training (monograph)]. International Journal of Applied and fundamental research. 2010. No 6. Pp. 73–74 (rus).
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  3. Poljanskaja E.N. Individual'no-tipicheskie osobennosti nastojchivosti, iniciativnosti i kar'ernyh orientacij studentov [Individually typical peculiarities of students’ persistence, initiatively and career orientations]. Candidate’s thesis. Moscow. 2008. 175 p. (rus).
  4. Schein E. N. Career anchors resisted/implications or career development in the 21st century. Academy of Management Executive. 1996. Vol. 10. No. 4. Pp. 80– 89 (eng).
  5. Yerokhin S. A. Kontseptsiia profesiinoi motyvatsii studentiv yak faktoru konkurentnosti na rynku pratsi [Concept of students’ professional motivation as a factor of competitiveness on labour market]. Jurisprudence. 2011. No 1(1). Pp. 20–27 (ukr).
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  7. ZhuinaDiana Psychological akmeological diagnostics of career orientation of the individual subjects of educational environment. Recent Studies of Social Sciences. 2015. Р. 101-111(rus).
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Kayris Elena, Associate Professor of Applied Psychology Institute of Human Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University.
Samoylenko Anna, a graduate of the Institute of Human Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University, Master of Applied Psychology.
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In recent years, many young people have a negative phenomena in interpersonal relationships (conflicts, aggression, violence), which are beginning to appear in the school. The behavior of pupils, which is associated with violence, foreign psychology called «school bullying». School bulinh as a specific type of violence has on the child's personality significant direct and indirect impact. Almost all children who are victims of abuse and neglect, have experienced trauma that left a mark in the form of personal, emotional and behavioral characteristics that affect their lives.
Investigation of abuse, mostly carried out by foreign scientists. Despite the critical importance of the issue of bullying in the domestic psychological literature has not been investigated and requires study.
The article presents the results of studies of the interpersonal relations of university students who have had the experience of bullying at school. Identified the presence of the victims of bullying among first-year students and studied the characteristics of their communication with сlassmates compared to students without experience of bullying. Methods used:FIRO (Fundamental Interpersonal Reiations Orientation), developed by W. Schutz and test T.Liri interpersonal relationships.Analyzed expression of the desire for inclusion in the group, particularly decision-making and taking responsibility, behavior  of affect, considered the types of relationships to others. It was found that students with the experience of school bullying have much more difficulty in identifying and establishing interpersonal relationships,have a high levels of subordination, suspicion and dependence on other, lesser severity desire for inclusion in the group, there are significant problems in the further choice partner for the initiation and development of close relationships.
Keywords: bullying;  interpersonal relationships;  mobbing;  students;  school bullying.

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 6.Fatih Bayraktar, Hana Machackova, Lenka Dedkova, Alena Cerna, and Anna Zhivchikova  Cyberbullying: The Discriminant Factors Among Cyberbullies, Cybervictims, and Cyberbully-Victims in a Czech Adolescent Sample/ J Interpers Violence November 2015 30: 3192-3216, first published on November 18, 2014, DOI:10.1177/0886260514555006 (сzech).
'mso-bidi-font-style:normal'>Diana Psychological akmeological diagnostics of career orientation of the individual subjects of educational environment. Recent Studies of Social Sciences. 2015. Р. 101-111(rus).
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Klimenko Anastasia, graduate student of the Institute of Applied Psychology by Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University
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The author has analyzed the problems of early learning, and has determined the similarities and differences in the concepts of early development and learning. The basic causes of social and psychological need for early learning and its possible negative effects have been distinguished. The most important changes in the public mind and in the minds of pedagogically educated community on the essence of the phenomenon of early learning, as well as on the factors and conditions of its effectiveness have been determined. The positive and negative effects of early learning have been reviewed on the example of the best-known psychological and pedagogical conceptual approaches and schools, namely, M. Montessori school of early sensory development, an approach based on the arousal of the natural psycho-physiological potential of the child's development created by the American neurophysiologist G. Doman, Waldarf pedagogics school, school of B. Nikitin and his colleagues («NUVERS»), methodical approach of M. Zaitsev («Cubes to complete»), early learning method of V. Tulenev. The reasonability of their use has been justified and the recommendations to reduce the negative effects of their use have been given. The intrinsic value of each period of a child has been emphasized. The results of studies of today’s psychologists on the implications of early learning have been generalized.
Keywords: accelerated developmentdevelopment;  early learning;  natural development;  personal development;  psychological intervention;  social development;  training;  zone of proximal development.

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Shmarhun V.THE PROBLEM of psychosomatic IN MODERN psychology
Shmarhun Vitaliy, Dr. of Science (Psychology), professor t. National university of life and environmental sciences of Ukraine.
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The issue of psychosomatic problems in psychology is considered in the article. The necessity of a new trend of the norm is substantiated. Historical roots of their differentiate, the importance and the prospects of the integration of these sciences are also considered in the article. Mentalsomatic principle of interaction between psychology and medicine is considered in the article in the polemic form. Historical roots of their differentiate, the importance and the prospects of the integration of these sciences are also considered in the article. Some actual problems of the development of the Ukrainian society are analysed. The solution of the problems will be more successful on condition of joint efforts of psychologists and medical people. The development of intellectual abilities and talents in educationalsystems appears as a strategic resource of Ukrainian society. That is why there is an urgent need to move from describing the nature of intelligence theories to practical design content of school and university education. Thus, at present the main lines of research skills should be focused on the study of general cognitive ability (intelligence, intellectual competence, creativity, navchalnosti) and their expressions in terms of educational, professional activity, interpersonal interaction.There is a necessity of new approach to the problem of psychosomatic disorders, where as follows from its content psychosomatic norms must make an independent direction in psychological science – the study of psychosomatic symptoms of a man in the «norm». The necessity of new direction in research creates a special value for pedagogical and age-old psychology, as it opens possibilities for the use of the psychosomatic phenomena of normative development in education and upbringing process. We introduced a notion «psychosomatic norms» that extended a concept «psychosomatics» by means of addition of  its  content of  psychosomatic features of normal development.
Key words: medicine;  psychology;  рsychosomatical pecularities;  рsychosomatic of the norm.
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Tokhtamysh Oleksandr, Associate Professor of Practical Psychology Department of Institute of Human Sciences of Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University, Ph.D. in Psychology
Golovko Dariia, Graduate of Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University, M.D. in Psychology
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The features of creative thinking among programmers and its essential characteristics are highlighted in the article. Special attention was paid to the analysis of the structure and interaction of the individual talent of its elements. Creative thinking is seen as a type of thinking that is characterized by the creation of a new product in the ratio of subjective and creator of new cognitive activity related to motivation, targets, estimates and meanings.It can also be seen as a set of mental special qualities that provide qualitative changes in human activities.The important features for the professional programmer are a logical but flexible and dynamic thinking, high level of memory (especially verbal and logical) and attention-developed imagination, which is a prerequisite for the development of creative thinking.The paper made a review of specific activity of military programmers in terms of its psychological components.  Comparative analysis of the characteristics of creative thinking of programmers was made by means of mathematical statistics (Student's t-test).  Comparative analysis of the manifestations of these qualities has shown some differences. The indicators of creative thinking among military programmers are with lower rates compare to civilian programmers. Significant differences in the characteristics of creative thinking among the military and civilian programmers were found.These characteristics are: symbolic way of thinking and the level of spatial imagination. We assume that this outcome are results of a specificity of military programmer activity, namely extreme conditions of their workplace conditions, the constant emotional stress and time constraints.
Key words:  comparative analysis;  creativity;  programming as a military profession;   spatial imagination;  thinking.
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Krayeva Oksana, Teacher of department to practical psychology of Institute of Human Sciences of the Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University, PhD (Psychology).
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Co-operation and interconditionality of two crises, that is experienced by personality of juvenile period: crisis of identity and age-related crisis of development, are examined in the offered article. The article comes forward as an attempt of search of points of contiguity from one side of crisis of identity, as problem of equality and change of identification matrix of personality, from other side of the age-related juvenile crisis, as embodiment of normative crisis of development of growing up personality. Without regard to the marked fact of belonging of two investigated crises to the age-related normative crises of development on the essence, the outlined questions of «crisis of teens» and «crisis of identity in teens» need division on by own psychological sense and filling.
The value of experience of experiencing of crisis of identity is underlined on the stage of transition of the age-related crisis and the structural role of crisis is underlined on the whole, as a mechanism of development of personality. Basis of crisis of identity of teens is made by the marked psychological changes, determination of new form of identity appears the inquisitional constant of that in an arctic continuum «positive» - «negative» (or acquisition of pseudoidentity).
Description of structural (from our point of view harmonious) and destructive (disharmonious) variants of overcoming of crisis period the persons of teens comes in theory true. The structural variants of overcoming of crisis of identity are densely related to three directions of influence on personality: by careful psychological accompaniment of crisis age; by the stopped up system of educator paternal psychological strategies, as discipling, persuasions based on common to all mankind values; by the personality psychological resource of individual.
Keywords: age-old juvenile crisis;  crisis of identity of teens;  identity;  normative crisis.
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Datsenko Tetyana, Deputy Head of PR Department, Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University
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The necessity of complex study of fears is underline in the article, including child, that integral idea about them. Research of features of treatment and overcoming of fears (coping) for the children of preschool age is very important, in fact exactly this aspect yet is described not enough by psychological science. An author is offer the program, organization and methods of research of coping on overcoming of fears for the children of senior preschool age. Basic coping strategies that is accessible to the children in 5-6 and their classification is carried out depending on that are educed, what level they pass at. The list of these strategies is also presented on frequency of their use by children. Coping strategies can be: 1) cognitive level, when a child tries to get rid from fears to decide a problem, processes fears, to attain balance; 2) behavioral level, when a child «meets» fear by abstracting, aggression, physical activity, playing etc.; 3) avoidance, that we distinguished separately, as unproductive strategy. The results of previous researches showed that cognitive coping is not characteristic for the children of preschool age. However some researches including our show that part of children possesses such strategies of overcoming of fear. Thus, we can sum up, that 5-6-years-old children, as a rule, prefer to behavioral (i.e. to the real actions that will do a situation less threatening), but not cognitive coping strategies (i.e. to change opinion of threatening situation or object of fear). It is important and that will avoid behavior occupies the third and seventh places in a list. It shows that preschool children only study actively to overcome fear and the adult must be always alongside, to support a child in necessary for her moment. Prospects of further researches of this problem have been indicated.
Keywords:  coping strategies;  overcoming fears;  preschool children; research methods of coping strategies.
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Petrunko Olga, Professor of Applied Psychology Institute of Human Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University, Doctor of Psychological Science, senior researcher.
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The phenomena «community», «community’s consolidation factors», «educational community», «sociаl-psychologycal рotential of educational community» аre analysed and determinated in the article. The features of functioning of these phenomena in modern «network society» are rotined an example of educational community as a specific social stratum of public elite. The factors of unity, solidarity and competitiveness of modern educational community are determinates. The society-formative signs and social-psychological potential of educational community analyzed. In the article analyzes the structure of consolidated potential of educational community and its most vulnerable «nodes». The terms of actualization and deactualization of educational community potential are certain. The article designated factors of actualization and, conversely, factors of deactualization of consolidated potential of educational community in the fateful conditions of social change.It is shown that important factors of consolidating and guarantee of basic social needs satisfaction for educational community (in security, affiliation, involvement) are: 1) the confidence for their own night mission; 2) the absence of a rigid external competition pedagogical community with other professional communities to the general employment market; 3) a high level of rationing and formalization of pedagogical activity, which reduces the internal psychological risks in conditions of instability.
Key words:  communityeducational community;  society’s consolidation factors;  sociаl-psychologycal рotential of educational community.
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Lishchynska Olena, Professor of General and Clinical Psychology Vasyl Stefanyk  Precarpathian National University Doctor of Psychology
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The article presents a model of the causal mechanisms of influence on the personality of a destructive cult, which reflects the processes of social interaction of the individual with the pseudo-religious community.The article explains the use of the word "cult" is different from religious studies, as there is an emphasis on the presence of the group worshiping a particular person, group leader.The word emphasizes the extreme focus on the person or the idea of a cult of personality.The paper notes that totalitarian sects and destructive cults are those groups that violate the rights of their members and cause them harm, having to use a specific methodology of influence, which was the naming of «mind control».The basis of manipulations that result in cult dependence is an algorithm: joining recruiter with current needs and values of the object, the disorganization of its value-semantic sphere of using a destructive ideology and psychological abuse, the reorientation of the active activities of the facility for the needs of worship, the use of the object to its complete depletion, disconnect from the object after the full use. Stay in destructive cults are updated by the devastating psychic phenomena, such as the cult psychological dependence and totalitarian personality syndrome.
Keywords:  cognitive and emotional balance personalityconstructive interactioncult psychological dependencedestructive cultsocial and psychological resources exploitationtotalitarian personality syndrome.
  1. LishchynskaO. A. Sotsialno-psykholohichni mekhanizmy kultovoi psykhichnoi zalezhnosti osobystosti v destruktyvnykh totalitarnykh orhanizatsiiakh: avtoref. dys. na zdobuttia nauk. stupenia dokt. psykhol. nauk: spets. 19.00.05 «Sotsialna psykholohiia, psykholohiia sotsialnoi roboty» [Social-psychological Mechanism of Cultic Psychical Dependence of Personality in Destructive Totalitarian Organizations. – Manuscript. The dissertation for the Doctor degree of Psychological Sciences in specialty 19.00.05 – social psychology, psychology of social work] / O. A. Lishchynska. – K., 2010. – 33 s. (ukr).
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Rafikov Oleksandr, is laboratory assistant of practical psychology department of Borys Hrinchenko Kyiv University Human Sciences Institute, postgraduate for 19.00.05 – social psychology, social work
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This article provides the operationalisation of social optimism investigations in sociologists’ and social psychologists’ works;the relevance of writing is caused by search of new ways for social adaptation and by finding out the new models of social, political, professional, and personal self-identification. In this case social optimism is one of the internal resources to strengthenindividual’s adaptational opportunities.From the perspective of social psychology it is escalated and important to investigate the problem of personal integrity saving and adaptational possibilities of human which are provided by social optimism phenomenon. The article discloses the main investigative streams of social optimism phenomenon in sociological and social-psychological science; describes the results of modern monitoring of population’s social health provided by Research & BrandingGroup company for the period since January, 26 till February, 2, 2015; also it views the notion of social optimism index;in the article it is written the difference between sociology and social psychology; it considers the experimental data in social psychology devoted to human self-understanding and the world around conceptualization; it suggests a hypothesis about the interrelation of social optimism and optimism generally with Self-conception, Self-schemes, and their influence on social behavior of human; it concludes about the nature of viewing the social optimism phenomenon as the mass one for sociology. The article is noticeable for analytical approach of material stating, there is demonstrated the accurate estimation of material’s empirical part. In addition to this, the perspective of further scientific investigation of the social optimism problem may be marked. 
Key-words:  optimism;  performance;  research presentation;  social optimism;  students;  the concept of social optimism.
  1. BotashevaSh. H. Social'nyj optimizm kak uslovie realizacii professional'nogo prizvanija [Social optimism as a condition for the implementation of a professional vocation] / Sh. H. Botasheva // Vestnik Severo-Kavkazskogo gumanitarnogo instituta. – 2014. – # 2 (10). – S. 231-236 (rus).
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Ovchar Olga,Postgraduate at the Institute of social and political psychology NAPS Ukraine, LLC «Proinsight Lab», director
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In the article methodical background and procedure of empirical research of psychological characteristics of consumption style of material goods by individuals with low economic status are explained; results of investigation of consumption style of material goods by individuals with different economic status are presented and peculiarities of these characteristics’ displaying among people with low economic status are defined. Two stages of empirical research (preliminary one and basic one) are reviewed. The analysis of social-psychological characteristics of consumption style being specific for people with low level of economic status is presented: tendency to the high level of psychological gravity to poverty; low level of motivation of achievement, external locus of control; more expressed values orientation towards rest and respect of others; less expressed value orientation towards communication and social activity. Economical status is analyzed as a combination of two components: objective, being concerned as actual level of income and subjective which means the subjective evaluation of one’s level of wealth (low, average, above average and high). Results of factor analysis of indicators of social-psychological characteristics of consumption style are presented. 5 factors were extracted and their psychological content was revealed. It was shown that factor “Passive externality” has a negative correlation with economical status, so this factor is more distinctive among people with low economical status. The analysis of correlations between economical status, of social-psychological characteristics of consumption style and components of consumption style is presented. It was concluded that individuals with low economic status are more tended to voluntary limitations in consumption, critical attitude towards excess consumption, which are more distinguishing for «puritanic» style of consumption of material goods. However it was shown that for certain types of goods being presented in social environment people with low economic status reveal demonstrative component of consumption style. 
Keywords:  economicalstatusgroups of referencelifestylelocusofcontrolmotivationofachievementmotivationof affiliationstyle of consumption of material goods;  value orientations. 
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Malieieva Nataliia, post-graduate student of the laboratory of Social psychology of personality of the Institute of Social and Political Psychology of the National Academy of educational Sciences of Ukraine
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The article describes the communicative behavior of social Internet network users. The characteristics of communicative practices in the implementation process of networking are analyzed. The characteristices of communicative behavior addictive personality are analyzed. It was found that communicative behavior addictive users, depending on their individual psychological characteristics and personal choice, communicative practices can affect the efficiency of interaction between participants in on-line communication.Social Internet networks have become an important part of on-line interaction with the outside world, and an additional tool in constructing users' lives.  On the other hand, network communication is deeply personal, voluntary, psychologically intense process.  In the absence of direct contact between external interlocutors it becomes possible to open up, to trust without fear of condemnation by others, to show one's deepest individual features, and to realize ulterior motives relating to one's addiction. At the same time it raises the question of the communicative and psychological security of the person. The informational stage of development in modern society requires new approaches to ensure safe everyday life and protection from the harmful effects of virtual communication space.  It becomes necessary to develop new methods of psychological assistance aimed at preventing and overcoming psychological dependence.  This involves timely evaluations of psychological aggression that is manifested through communication practices and affects interaction with others, the control of the emotional and psychical condition involving the destructive manifestations of behavior, improves targeting in specific conditions of cyberspace and communicative competence that will contribute to more effective life construction in users both in the network space, and beyond.
Keywords:  Internet;  Internet addiction;  Internet practices;  communicative practices;  social networks.
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Zelinska T., doctor of psychological sciences, professor of social psychology and psychotherapy of National Pedagogical University named after M. P. Dragomanov
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It has been considered the peculiarities of high inconsistency of ambivalence in relations between elderly parents and adult children in various life situations. Ambivalence has been defined as a personal featurewhichcharacterizes each individual and appears both in a positive and negative assessment of an object. High ambivalence in the relationship between elderly parents and adult children is shown in the dominance of hostility, accusations of alienation, guilt, depression, and at the same time a positive attitude to relatives, which is traumatic for both sides.
It has been shown the dramatic ambivalence relationship between aging parents and adult children, as high uncoordinated internal contradiction of both parents and children which appears in negative parent-child relationship. It has been established the main ambivalent contradiction of aging parents between individual autonomy and the need to care for children; adult children - between autonomy and a conscious concern for parents. It has been emphasized the necessity of coordination of ambivalence in relations towards accepting own and parental autonomy, giving and providing care. It is important for elderly parents to experience «the phenomenon of maturity», which means the exercise of their hopes for children as support in old age when the adult son or daughter, according to national and family traditions, take personal responsibility for compliance of autonomy and care, care about parents.Real harmonization of each party's own ambivalence can allow to coordinate relations that affect the quality of life both older parents and adult children.
Keywords: ambivalence in relations; ambivalence of personality; autonomy;  careharmonious relationship between elderly parents and adult children; high ambivalence. 
  1. Deny`senko I. D.Modelyuvannya povedinky` osoby`stosti v suchasny`x sociokul`turny`x kontekstax: metodologichni zasady` ta perspekty`vy`. [Behaviour modelling of the person in modern social and cultural contexts: methodological bases and prospects.] / I. D. Deny`senko// Naukovy`j visny`k. Seriya «Filosofiya». – Xarkiv: XNPU, 2015. – Vy`p.45 (chasty`na I). – S. 205 – 214, DOI 10.5281/zenodo. 22419 (ukr).
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Skliaruk Anastasia, Candidate of Psychological Science, a doctoral student of the Institute of Social and Political Psychology Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine
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The model of a family socialization is shown in the article. The definition of the family socialization is represented. The emphasis is on the fact that the family socialization has essential meaning for the individual and for the society. The family socialization factors are considered:  factors of macro factors that have a psychological origin (type of relationship in the family, social and psychological features of family) factors mezo or external factors, all the factors that have a social origin (social standards, norms, values, etc.), and the purpose-level factors, socio-psychological and socio-cultural factors. Tradition, habit or socio-cultural influence in the individual family takes a lot of weight in the family socialization of the individual. It is proved that the family socialization is affected with three groups of factors that have psychological, social and socio - psychological origin. The social and socio-cultural factors of the family socialization, which depend on political-social and socio-cultural environment and establish a family relationship with the outside world, are studied.It is noted that the needs of the family related to the education and socialization of children, due to lack of coordination among the various institutions of society, the prevalence of social measures to support the family or its individual members, underestimation of educational opportunities institutions of society. It is concluded that the scientific substantiation of interaction between the state and the family is poor and exacerbates the problem of socialization of the young generation. Attention is drawn to the need to further develop a comprehensive support system for the family as an institution of education adequate current realities and priorities of government social policy.
Keywords: family functionsfamily socialization factorsfamily socializationfamilysocialized function of the family.
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Neroba Maria, teacher of department of practical psychology of the Dnepropetrovsk humanitarian university, graduate student of department of practical psychology of Boris Grinchenko Kyiv University.
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The article states that motherhood stands one of the leading roles of women, adequate implementation of which is essential for proper functioning and formation of women as individuals. Presented deviant understanding of maternity as a complex social and cultural phenomenon that has devastating consequences for the woman and her child and for society as a whole and destruction of personal sphere of women, which prevents the formation of a positive image of the child, is not conducive to preservation of health , it interferes with the normal development of the prenatal and perinatal period, which complicates its further socialization.Obtainednatural biological, socio-cultural and economic factors of deviant maternal behavior that affect the formation of women's behavior in general. Among the most common causes of deviant motherhood singled personal property of women; the presence of adverse child's communicative experience; undesirable pregnancy and adverse social conditions.
In the context of the analysis of deviant motherhood identification with her mother as one of the basic mechanisms of maternal attitude. Reveals the interaction of socioeconomic, family, ethical, psychobiological and pathological factors influencing the occurrence of failures of motherhood.
The characteristic of the most common forms of deviant maternal behavior, including lack of maternal care; cruelty to children; sexual assault and child molestation; refusal of the mother of a newborn child; physical and mental violence againstthechild. Singled major study on the psychological aspects of deviant motherhood in modern and foreign scientific literature
Keywords:  child;  deprivation;  destructive maternal behavior;  deviant motherhood;  female;  mother;  motherhood.
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Ravlyuk Galina, PhD student  Vasyl Stefanyk  Precarpathian National University

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The article presents the results of psychosemantic study of social representations of youth about family.
Results of the study of social representations of young people about the marriage relationship is presented in the form of the factor structure of «unavailability of the family system to take the new man»; «Social representations of youth about premarital background»; «Pragmatic and rational installation marriage»; «The depreciation of the family system»; «Cultural traditions in marriage»; «Role expectations in marriage - infantile expectations regarding the functioning of the family system»; «The authoritarian idea of the functioning of the family system»; «Authoritarian-infantile attitudes towards the functioning of the family system».
The resulting factor structure on the one hand reflects the constructive social representations of the family institution, embodied in cultural traditions, pragmatic and rational installations, and other destructive social ideas about the family institution, which are represented in the inappropriate role and infantile expectations, authoritarian and infantile installations.
The article notes that the cultural tradition and the pragmatic and rational marriage setting function as cultural guard against possible destructive manifestations for the preservation and development as a separate member of the family and the whole family. Vmeschaya centuries of family experience, cultural traditions offer an elaborate and reliable scheme of the family and its future generations. A pragmatic installation encourage young people for responsible, mature subjectivity elections.
Keywords:  familyinfantile and authoritarian marriage attitudesmarriagepsychosemantical researchsocial representations.
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