Kayris Elena, Associate Professor of Applied Psychology Institute of Human Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University.
Samoylenko Anna, a graduate of the Institute of Human Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University, Master of Applied Psychology.
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In recent years, many young people have a negative phenomena in interpersonal relationships (conflicts, aggression, violence), which are beginning to appear in the school. The behavior of pupils, which is associated with violence, foreign psychology called «school bullying». School bulinh as a specific type of violence has on the child's personality significant direct and indirect impact. Almost all children who are victims of abuse and neglect, have experienced trauma that left a mark in the form of personal, emotional and behavioral characteristics that affect their lives.
Investigation of abuse, mostly carried out by foreign scientists. Despite the critical importance of the issue of bullying in the domestic psychological literature has not been investigated and requires study.
The article presents the results of studies of the interpersonal relations of university students who have had the experience of bullying at school. Identified the presence of the victims of bullying among first-year students and studied the characteristics of their communication with сlassmates compared to students without experience of bullying. Methods used:FIRO (Fundamental Interpersonal Reiations Orientation), developed by W. Schutz and test T.Liri interpersonal relationships.Analyzed expression of the desire for inclusion in the group, particularly decision-making and taking responsibility, behavior  of affect, considered the types of relationships to others. It was found that students with the experience of school bullying have much more difficulty in identifying and establishing interpersonal relationships,have a high levels of subordination, suspicion and dependence on other, lesser severity desire for inclusion in the group, there are significant problems in the further choice partner for the initiation and development of close relationships.
Keywords: bullying;  interpersonal relationships;  mobbing;  students;  school bullying.

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