Nagula Olena, candidate of psychological sciences Assistant Professor of Applied Psychology Institute of Human Sciences of Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University
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In the article the analysis of problems of training of practicing psychologists. The main components of readiness of practicing psychologists are required to use the intervention (theoretical, practical, personal). The criteria of correction and uncorrectionpersonality. Also summarized the negative effects of uncorrectionpersonality of practicing psychologist. Emphasized the need for personal psychotherapy of the future of practicing psychologists. The appropriateness of the in-depth personal psychotherapy for training of practicing psychologists that proposed by the academician of NAPS of Ukraine by T. S. Yatsenko. The developed model of professional training of psychological practitioners, which includes two complementary approaches, namely: traditional, academic training and innovative practically-oriented training.

The system of training of future psychologists practitioners which includes three stages. Preparatory mastery of the theoretical system of psychological knowledge and familiarization with training, group work. Educational and corrective to attract future psychologists practitioners (students 3-6 courses) to the personal psychological correction (deep psychological correction, group psychoanalysis, dream analysis, games and art therapy). Accompanying the completion of psychological correction of personal future psychologists practice (students 4-6 courses) have the opportunity to start providing advisory services under supervision of an experienced psychologist practice.These approaches together can provide the formation of the psychologist-practice theoretical, practical and personal components of readiness for use of the correction influences in their practice.

Keywords: correction;  personal psychocorrection;  psychologist-practitioner; the method of active social-psychological training;  the model of professional training of psychologists-practitioners;  uncorrection.



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