Petrunko O., Doctor of Psychological Sciences, Senior Research Officer, Professor at the Chair of Applied Psychology Institute of Human Sciences of Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University
Khakhanovska T., Master of Applied Psychology Institute of Human Sciences of Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University  

Creativity and talent are considered as system of education, which becomes the basis of general and specific, potential and actual ability of the person who are in the process and results of operations. There are groups of criteria by which it is possible to judge about the degree of ability. The features of these groups are discovered. We consider the relation of creativity and giftedness as psychological concepts. It proposed the theory of the famous scientists who studied the problem in detail diagnostic creativity and talent. The relation of creativity and giftedness are released as psychological concepts. The theory of the famous scientists who in detail studied the problem of diagnostic creativity and talent is proposed. The structure, function of creativity and giftedness are analyzed, the working structural-functional model of these phenomena are proposed. The main areas of diagnostic abilities of adults are specified. Tests to diagnose creativity and talent are proposed. The features of their conduct and interpretation are explored. It have been described in detail what exactly is estimated in the diagnostic tests of creativity and talent. The main features of creativity, especially their manifestations are highlighted. In all tests also focused on the importance of the personal element in the structure of creativity and talent, as well as the activation of divergent thinking. Examples of job creation and diagnostics of giftedness are provided. Their features are shown. The basic problems of technique and methodology of diagnosis of giftedness are explored. The structure and function of giftedness are found out. Systemic and "synthetic" nature of giftedness is accented. The stages of diagnosis of giftedness are examined, as well as their main characteristics and conditions of testing. Features of behavior and the use of techniques at each stage are researched. There have been problems associated with the diagnosis and interpretation of the creativity and talent of the person, the main causes of appearance are identified and indicated by the possibility of overcoming these problems.

 creativity and problem diagnosis of giftedness;  creativity;  potential and actual ability of the personality;  problems of interpretation;   talent.

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