Datsenko T. O., PhD student, Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University


The proposed article characterizes features of preschool age, particularly in relationship between peers and typical fears of 5-6-years old children.
Elder preschoolers are susceptible to examples behavior of their friends. Active steps aimed at cognition of the world, children prefer to make asa group. It is doubly psychologically beneficial to them. First, peers have the similar problems. That’s why they understand each other's interests and on this ground easily combined together to create and experience events important to them. Second, every single member of the group feels stronger, fearless, confident in dealing with the world, and their actions are justified.
Children are in need of emotions and feelings (including fear) much more than adults are. That need affects on features of their behavior, manifested in readiness to look for new experiences and occasionally go to the physical and social risk, testing the strength social rules, norms and control system. It is natural for children. They intuitively feel some benefit of it.
In this connection, it arises up and new type of «interaction» of child with fears. Now children have the opportunity to overcome fears in cooperation. It can be collective visiting «scary places» or retelling «scary stories» and others like that. Children intentionally activate the emotion of fear for successfully to overcome her, and consequently children’s cooperative elaboration is extraordinarily important for normal development, search of the place in society and becoming of personality. 

Key words: children’s group;  cooperative elaboration of fears;  elder preschoolers;  overcoming fears.


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