N - 2, 2006



Вайнола BC

the Personal development of future social pedagogue as a factor of professional growth

Волосевич G.M.

creating a culture of pedagogical communication of the future teacher of the Ukrainian language and literature

Gonchar L.K.

Specifics professional activity of social workers

Gordienko MG

the Problem of independent work of students in modern pedagogical studies

Дарманська IM

From the experience of the organization of student self-government in higher pedagogical educational institution

Koval, MS, Shunevich B. I.

the Introduction of the combined and distance learning: experience and development prospects

Koval ETC.

the Modern state of training on information technologies of the future specialists on speciality «Management of organizations» in Ukraine

Kovalev SV

Development of creative activity of teachers of music in the training

Конох A.P.

the Theoretic-methodological basis of preparation of future specialists of sport tourism in high school

Кристопчук I.E.

Information technology in professional preparation of land surveyors in College: a theoretical analysis

Leshchenko A.A.

Sources of motivation home schooling: the American experience

Martirosyan A.I.

the Pedagogical training of women in secondary schools in the second half of XIX - beginning of XX century


the current state and prospects of development of vocational counselling youth in Ukraine

Пуцов V.I.

Андрагогіка: learning theory adult

Sysoeva S.A.

educational technology: a brief description of the essential signs

Sokolova I.V.

the Credit-modular technology of teaching foreign languages: conditions and results of implementation of

Chobitko MG

the Essence and principles of personality-oriented education


gerasina grants Manager SV

the Development of professional orientation of students vocational-technical schools

Kravchuk L.V.

Ethical knowledge in learning the ethical norms of younger children: psychological side

Моськін SR

the Psychological service of the vocational education institutions in the professional formation of a future specialist

Polishchuk S. p.

the Psychological determinants of the development of social maturity of the students in vocational training

Помыткин E.A.

Diagnosis of spiritual development of students and youth by means of modern psychology

Сургунд N.A.

Diagnostics connectivity as psychological prerequisite of professional fitness of the future of the practical psychologist

Yaremchuk NV

the Methods of psychological aid to a woman during pregnancy and childbirth