N 4, 2007



Болтивец SR

the Report on the VIII International Week of adult education in Ukraine «adult Education for a culture of lifelong learning»

Borisenko L.L.

the Style characteristics of the learning activities of adults

Verbitskiy V.V.

Activities of extracurricular ecological andnaturalistic institutions in conditions of reforming of education in Ukraine

Gordienko MG

Independent work of students in the context of ціложиттєвої education

Здиорук SR

the Prospects of introduction of двохступеневої system of continuous professional education

Isayenko S.A.

the Competence approach in the formation of professional culture among the students of higher technical schools

Karpyuk R.P.

Formation of professional competence of future specialist with adaptive physical education


Training and professional development of hairdressing art in conditions of development of modern Ukraine

Кудикина NV

Modeling of the process of formation of professional competence of future skilled workers

Martirosyan A.I.

the Prospect of development of adult education in the context of European integration

Clip T.B.

the Implementation of information technology in adult education

Sysoeva S.A.

Information technology in the continuous professional education: psychological-pedagogical aspect

Сигаева Л.Е.

Professional retraining of the unemployed: modern approaches

Смилянец OG

the Problem of development of a creative personality in adult education

Smirnova C. O.

Innovative approaches to the formation of legal culture adults

Sushchenko L.P.

the Electronic textbook in adult education

Tkachenko, L.I.

the Problem of development of personality in the classical pedagogics Skovoroda: the relevance of the study


wee Vova-Блакитная A.A.

Співрозвиток adults and children in the context of modern social and cultural realities

Govorun SoCentury

Gender aspects of adult education

Гурляєва TF

Responsibility as a basis for «a sense of adulthood

Ignatovich O.M.

an innovative Professional culture teachers

Kravchuk L.V.

follow the mechanism of absorption of ethical norms children of preschool age

Poker A.V.

Accounting psychophysiological characteristics of the child, in preparing teachers

Пінчукова L.A.

the Harmonisation of the senses mother in the upbringing of a mentally retarded child

burnt down I.A., Romanenko A.V.

the Study of psychoemotional sphere Lyceum student

Yaremchuk NV

To the problem of psychological training of a young woman future motherhood