2008 - N 1



Anishchenko A.V.

the Problem of scientific organization of labor of students in dissertation researches of Russian scientists (the 90th years of XX century)

bereka VE

the Theoretical basis of formation of the content of the master's degree training education managers

Билобровко ETC.

Modern lecture at higher educational institutions in the conditions of introduction of requirements of the Bologna Declaration

Verbitskiy V.V.

the System of education in the modern ecology-naturalistic center : innovative approaches

Vnukova O.M.

To the problem of training the teachers of vocational schools in Ukraine

Zhuravskaya N. C.

teacher Training professionally oriented disciplines in higher educational institutions of Germany, Italy and the UK

Кайдалова L.G.

the communicative part of professional competence of future specialists of pharmaceutical industry

Karpyuk R.P.

the Professional training of future specialists in adaptive physical culture in the Russian Federation

Керекеша A.V.

the Theoretical foundations of organization of independent work of students of higher economic educational institutions


the Basic definitions the studied problems of professional training of future specialists in the field of hairdressing

O. Lavrinenko A.

the Influence of Western European humanistic and reformation ideas of the XVI century - the middle of XVII century the pedagogical activity of the domestic teacher

Leshchenko the Imperial theatres

a Similar and different in the organization of distance education in the Russian Federation and Ukraine

Lukyanova Л.Б.

the Problems of ecological education for adults

Nikolaenko Y.A.

Modular technology of preparation of students of agricultural specialties professional communication

Clip T.B.

the methodological base of applying information technologies in the professional training of future economists

Radchenko T.A.

Features of the education system in Switzerland

Сигаева Л.Е.

the Basic definitions of research of problems of development of adult education in Ukraine

Sokolova I.V.

the Model of a modern teacher of Philology double qualification

Soloviev HP, The

The problem of physical education of students in higher technical schools

Старовойтенко N. Century

Heuristic technology of preparation of the future leaders of managerial activities

Chobitko MG

the Readiness of the teacher to the organization of personal орієтованого students

Jaksa NV

the content of the professional-pedagogical training of future teachers with intercultural interaction

Yanchuk So Century

Features of individual training at the higher school of Economics


Kovalchuk З.Я.

the Psychological causes of criminal activity adult

Tkachuk T. A.

Coping behavior and methodological approaches to its study and measure