


Bespartochna O. I.

Experience using the russian federation for creation of Ukraine national qualifications

Bohdanets-Biloskalenko  N. I.

Use of scientific and methodical ideas Jacob Chipiga in practice modern elementary school 

Busko M. B.

Teaching immigrants in Canada 

Harashchenko L. V.

Value health preschoolers as a factor humanistic education 

Dovmantovych N. H.

In the use of the competence approach in medical school

Duhanets V. I.

Pedagogical conditions of formation account of practical training

Zhyzhko O. A.

The problem of professional studies marginalized in Latin America

Zdanevych L. V.

Manifestations of speech passivity children 5-year life communicative as an indicator desadaptation

Ionova O. M.

Formation of national ideology younger students in modern pedagogical science

Kachur A. M.

Philosophical foundations study of ukrainian language at primary school 

Kashpur T. O.

Training of future engineers-teachers to educational activities in the vocational-technical schools

Kozak L. V.

Structure-component model of training future teachers of preschool education and psychology to innovative professional activities

Кulbashna Ya. A.

Independent work in the formation of professional competence of dentists

Lavrynenko O. V.

Self education activities - leading view of modern educational night school

Maksymova L. P.

Model quality training future economists of information - communication technologies

Nazola O. V.

Role of oral corrective of feedback in student learning foreign language

Panchenko A. H.

Training of specialists district department of education to implement evaluation of a comprehensive educational institution

Pashchenko S. Yu., Matskevych Yu. R.

Development of professional identity of young teachers of higher educational institution

Tryhub I. I.

Formation of sociology of education in the field of scientific knowledge

Drahovoz O. S.

Psychological support implementation competence approach in teaching younger students

Kovalevska A. O.

Program psychological treatment fear junior pupils by means expressive activity

Kokhanova O. P. 

Partnership as a factor socialization

Moskalov M. V.

Effect of organizational culture on entry specialists in educational organizations

Pomytkina L. V.

Features students' readiness to make strategic decisions on life professional self