PhD (Pedagogy), Associate Professor, Lecturer of the Department of the Theory and Methodology of Teaching Artistic Disciplines, Berdiansk State Pedagogical University, 4 Schmidta Str., 71100 Berdiansk, Ukraine
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Analysis of the content and nature of the concepts of «design», «design activity», «design technology» shows that the result of this activity is a project – product for mass use. In the reference literature, the project is defined as a prototype of the intended or possible object, state; concept, plan, set of documents and calculations necessary for its creation. In the scientific literature, the project is considered as a systematic form of organization of activity. Working on projects poses some difficulties for future music teachers, which are caused by a lack of knowledge base in general and professional disciplines, the ability of information search and the use of research methods in processing the information obtained. A characteristic feature of project training is the existence of a significant social or personal problem, which requires integrated knowledge, research-seeking solutions, group activities that would meet the needs for different knowledge, skills and competences. Project-based learning is not used instead of systematic subject-based learning, but alongside it as a component of personally-oriented learning. In pedagogical education there are educational projects. Among the educational projects, scientists distinguish research, creative, socially significant, informative, and practically oriented ones. The results of completed projects should be material. During the project, the teacher becomes not the bearer of ready knowledge, but the organizer of students’ cognitive activity; reorients educational work to the organization of a process of independent activity of the subjects of learning, where priority is given to the activities of research, search and creative nature.An educational project is a tool for teaching and training that provides a future teacher of music with a number of skills
Key words: design skills; educational project; future music teacher; vocational training.


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