Petrenko Natalya
PhD (Pedagogy), Head of Physical Education Department, Mykolayiv National Agrarian University, 9 Georgiy Gongadze Str., 54020 Mykolaiv, Ukraine
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In the following article the concept of «methodical work» is considered as: purposeful activity of higher education institution on providing psychological, pedagogical and methodical training of scientific and pedagogical workers; special and important link in the system of postgraduate pedagogical education. The system of methodical work of the agrarian university is considered as a three-level system, which provides the development of pedagogical competence of scientific-pedagogical workers of physical education and strengthens the health-saving component of their professional-pedagogical activity. All levels of methodical work in the agrarian university (university, faculty, department) are connected with each other in terms of content and organization and contribute to improving the quality of professional activities of scientific and pedagogical staff of the university. Measures, implemented at the university level, are focused to develop the professional competence of all scientific and pedagogical staff of the university without taking into account the specifics of their activities. These measures cover general issues of higher education development and quality assurance, as well as issues related to the specifics of agrarian education, environmental problems and health of Ukraine. At the faculty level, scientific and methodical activities are carried out, taking into account the specifics of the contingent of higher education applicants, whose training is carried out at the faculty, as well as the specifics of the faculty departments. The chair level is a central link in the development of pedagogical competence of scientific-pedagogical staff, including scientific-pedagogical staff of physical education, as the department aims to ensure the quality of professional activities of scientific-pedagogical staff, their motivation for self-development and self-improvement.
Key words: educational process at an agrarian university; healthy lifestyle; methodical work; pedagogical competence; pedagogical competence of the teacher of physical education; physical education; teacher of physical education.


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