Strilets Valentyna
PhD (Pedagogy), Associate Professor, Associate Professor of Department of Foreign Philology and Translation, National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine, 15 Heroiv Oborony Str., 03041 Kyiv, Ukraine
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Teaching contracted scientific and technical translation is an indispensable component of prospective translators’ training. The article analyzes the definitions of different subtypes of contracted translation and concretizes those which have been studied in academic papers and which are the most relevant for real life job related situations of technical translators’ professional activity, namely: fragmentary, summary and abstract subtypes of translation. The typology of fragmentary translation is considered against such criteria as the number of sources, languages, style and authorship; stages of appropriate teaching are described. The procedure of teaching summary and abstract translation is presented through two models: the four-stage one implying making up a summary / abstract in the source language and the two-step one focused on creating it in the target language. The comparative analysis of full and contracted translation has shown that teaching contracted translation implies acquiring and forming both specific knowledge, sub-skills and skills and relying on those which have already been acquired and formed in the process of teaching full translation and within other philology related subjects. The role and place of contracted scientific and technical translation in the system of prospective translators’ training is determined as well as the optimal sequence of teaching translation types and subtypes based on the source text content conveyance (full → fragmentary → summary → abstract) is suggested. The development of appropriate subsystems of exercises is outlined as prospect of further research.
Key words: abstract translation; contracted scientific and technical translation; fragmentary translation; prospective Bachelors of Philology; stages of teaching; summary translation.

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