Tsyhanchuk Tatiana, PhD (Psychology), Associate Professor of Applied Psychology, Institute of Human Sciences, Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University, 18/2, I. Shamo Blvd, 02154 Kyiv, Ця електронна адреса захищена від спам-ботів. вам потрібно увімкнути JavaScript, щоб побачити її.


The purpose of the article is to define the role and mechanisms of psychological defense in the structure of emotional intelligence.
The concept and components of emotional intelligence, their relationship with types of psychological defenses are discussed in this article.
The development of components of emotional intelligence is considered as an important condition for the professional work of future psychologists.
The relevance of a subject of a research was determined that for psychology of the increasing value get a research of those mental spheres to which enough attention wasn’t paid early. Such situation often contacts with absence of approved and validization of techniques, duration of researches in time, technical capabilities of the researcher.
The article presents the results of an empirical study of the mechanisms of psychological defense in students. Mechanisms of psychological protection were determined using the questionnaire Plucchik – Kellerman Conte «Index of Life Style». The authors identified eight basic mechanisms of psychological protection: displacement, regression, substitution, negation, projection, compensation, hypercompensation, rationalization.Correlation study showed the connection of components of emotional intelligence with types of psychological defense, such as displacement, regression, substitution, negation, projection, compensation, hypercompensation, rationalization. It was revealed that when the mechanisms of psychological defense increase, the level of understanding and management of emotions decreases.
Prospect of further researches is theoretical definition of those mental branches to which enough attention still wasn’t paid. It is also relevant an interesting question of development of qualitative tools of a research. At the same time the special attention has to be paid to features of the Ukrainian mentality and a social perspective of society.
Key words:  emotion;  emotional intelligence;  management of emotions;  projection;  psychological defense.


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